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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. No one new Wentz would be as bad as he was and the thought was, Wentz would rebound. No one had a crystal Ball at the time. But Judging a HC over A decision is just a waste of time... FOR ME.. you want to argue that? it is on you. I chose not to. As you know I have been against personal attacks for a long time.. It is what I saw. nothing personal again.. i just wish it would simmer down.
  2. The second you throw insults, is the second you lost the argument. Just Saying.
  3. SanFran. I have been a fan of that team since the Joe Montana days.
  4. does this feel similar to Frazier taking a year off? lol
  5. I have eaten my crow now and then too.. your right @GunnerBill is one person I would rarely argue a point with. But I do bend to other persons opinions and Ideals. I try anyhow
  6. it has to be so? none of this is true? are you sure? lol
  7. that is a lot of catches and yards. This kid goes out and Balls like this? We will be on the road to having the Next Kittle/Kelce >some where in-between<
  8. I would Argue that with KC Oline, Philli Oline, Josh Allen could be the best QB in the league. We do not know what the ceiling is because Josh has had a HORRIBLE line in front of him. I would dare to see Hurts, Mahomes or even better Burrows standing behind our line in the last 4 years and see what they would accomplish. Now... Does This narrative mean you are a negative Nancy or does this narrative just simply state that I think better of my QB then others? Does this same statement mean I am a Homer or does it just mean I have a stronger opinion of the one they call Josh Allen? I feel Negative Nancies here is the wrong word. People around here have their own Personal Agenda and not to the point of Trolls because they come in different shapes and sizes here too... But to the point where their opinion is right and your opinion is wrong... No matter what they will argue their same point with you to the end and start going into senseless other topics unrelated to what the general discussion is. In General. Right now? This board is leaning on the side of the cup half empty and that is frustrating considering what the non-Bills media and fans of many other teams are saying about Buffalo. I had a post about a month ago now on this same topic. Some of it just gets old. Some of us stopped having fun till I learned to block certain individuals that were just out to just... be... brutal. Like me at that time, I think you have to realize that you can argue your point till you "blue in the face", then get ticked off and get angry. It is not worth it man. Learn to appreciate others opinions and if someone you so strongly disagree with on their agenda's, flames and trolls? Just block them.
  9. nope. Right person.
  10. nice write up. It just drives me crazy that people assume that Dorsey "may not" use Kincaid properly. it is a horrible narrative.
  11. Process you and I have gone back and fourth on this take between 3 threads. There is not enough info to think he will not be used properly. Josh is going to throw to who he sees open, no matter what the play is... They not going to keep him off the field for long where he can not be used... So i do not get the narrative that one should think that Dorsey would not use him unless your just basing this on last year and knox... whole different player.
  12. why are we comparing NFL to Fake Wrestling again? I want your crystal Ball. I would be a millionaire 10 times over again.
  13. I just do not know why everyone is giving this click bait so much attention.. Not referring to the op... the article itself.
  14. i would be against it. The more players you have blocking, the more players that cheat and work their way in the box. Cook needs some room to cook.
  15. for a change, I am just enjoying my popcorn laughing my but off...
  16. I had a nicer version of this 3 weeks ago. @NewEra said it right. Ignore button is your friend.
  17. the second you said True. IT should have ended there ha ha ... We have speed with cook. do not need more speed then him. iiiiiii... Think i got ya licked this time ha ha.. your opinion, I respect it
  18. after what happened at the end of last year it would be a hard take to take Hines off the returns
  19. Jess Root wrote this article on predictions. I know some what about him other than he is a long time Cardinals fan. His Job at NFL Network is normally just to cover the Cardinals. Has them winning 2 games. look at his last 30-50 twitter feeds. mostly all cardinals. Inquiry link to find him https://twitter.com/search?q=jess root&src=typed_query This is pure click bait https://cardswire.usatoday.com/lists/nfl-network-analyst-predicts-records-for-all-32-teams-in-2023/ he has Jacksonville just winning 9 games, He has the Bears going from a 3-14 team to a 12-5 team. This is 100% pure Click Bait folks. HE needs the clicks... This is the actual link https://cardswire.usatoday.com/lists/nfl-network-analyst-predicts-records-for-all-32-teams-in-2023/ Remember, this guy works for usa today but he reports for NFL Network
  20. yep. i agree, I just thought I would bring it up just for the point of conversation
  21. I agree. that is why i asked for thoughts.
  22. https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/depth/_/name/buf/buffalo-bills Take a look Tell me if there is anything you would change. Some interesting notes Some thought Hines would see more RB snaps this year, but CLEARLY they have Hines just as a returner with Cook having the backup. Cook is slotted at #1 (Could this change at all?) I think it is interesting that Kincaid is listed #2 TE. Thoughts? They have Bates at RG, but I think It will not take long for Cyrus to win over that job. They have Floyd in there for obvious passing downs as a WLB Klien down the middle LB. Will this change? And Elam is listed at the #2 CB. Cam Lewis and Siran Neal as #4's. who is your extremely early surprise rising star and who is your definate camp dropout. Any thoughts or changes on these positions?
  23. I sense sarcasm? lol awe man... @teef this is for you... This **** place lol
  24. yea i was looking at week 3 preseason my bad. One of those 3 teams are going to get 13 wins Bet on it. That does not make Jacksonville close to a lock.
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