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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. The amount of games THIS TEAM has out coached is stupid good. You keep following up one bad narrative after another. When you find out you are in a 6' hole? Try to climb out instead of digging deeper.
  2. #1. Leave religion out of this yes? #2 It is a business. things are said for many different things we will never understand #3 Other than saying "that game was on me" Rarely does a coach apologize to a team for much. #4 McD did apologize once on a 4th and 1 decision. #5 McD got us to a playoff game with a HORRIBLE team. That should tell you something.... #6 The only thing that baffles me is your lack of knowledge on this topic. This extension was long in the works and HC extensions never mean they cannot or will not be let go the following year. We will never no the exact terms in HC extensions. Lastly in my humble opinion? There is no other HC that has as good of character as McD does. get over it.
  3. nice first post rookie.... This madness type of post is usually when I like to take my shotgun out with a few old bowling balls. nothing is more "Settling" then watching bowling balls explode.
  4. lol, i would not expect anything different from ya lol
  5. Chaos this is a dumb poll in my opinion because you knew when you made it its yes to all. js.
  6. Did you read my original post? This was a discussion I started just for conversation to discuss what it would take for JA to be #1 QB hands down. We all know he is a top 3 QB. You do not think there are things JA can improve and situational awareness around JA to be that hands down #1 Best in league QB? Has JA been consistent? to the bottom bolded I 100% agree. This has nothing to do with Comparing JA to other QB's . This was just the point of conversation that some, either did not read the OP or did and blew it out of proportion to begin with.
  7. how did the Eagles, have the best roster last year, lose 2-3 pieces this year, gain a piece and have by far the best draft in the league? and they not first? I do not have a sub, but would be interesting how they explained that
  8. so question. Were you around for it? were you young?
  9. for those who were not there or 2 young... its horrific. For those who were there? Pure Entertainment. Just to get there 4 times in a row again? I would do it all over again. Just wondering.. why bring this up though?
  10. are we sure he is available this off-season?
  11. This means nothing. Jets play more man, we play zone. I can not figure out for the life of me how you can compare the 2 concerning separation.
  12. I think this is at least half the train of thought around here, things Josh can control are fumbles and timely endzone/redzone turnovers.
  13. I think watching positional battles this year is going to be more fun then ever. Does anyone compete for #2 WR? The competition is huge at #3 Guards, RT, Mic LB. Going to be one of the more fun preseasons to watch.
  14. I think he can be yes Right now? I look at it as tiers. the 3 of them are in the same tier. Mahomes has had elite talent around him from day one. Can Josh Allen get there? I absolutely believe it
  15. then you CLEARLY did not see what he did in the Rams game. Short passing quick throwing all game long.... I think it is delusional to think any top 3 QB in this league Can't be the best in game at any given year.
  16. I just think JA has the chance to be the best damn QB in football today. Just hope he among others on this team improve to help him get there.
  17. you did not read my original post at al did you. read the title and replied didn't you? As stated, I was referring to what it would take for JA to be best in league.
  18. I mean, you really need to stop perching JA on cloud 9 acting like he can do no wrong. ENDZONE TURNOVERS! maybe I should of added that one.. He threw way many INT last year. These are things JA can easily improve but God forbid we question or hope he gets to the final level..
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