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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. stupid comment.. What if he was armed? What if his emotions got best of him and the robber running away from him and he shot him in the back? what of h is future then? Fact, of the people that pull a gun to defend themselves 50% Freeze and get shot themselves. This is only people that does not serve(police military) just another dumb comment we stuck trying to flip past as quickly as possible on these forums.
  2. yep but it doesn't happen Rarely does someone go back to the military after playing NFL. and average for a non starter is 3 years.. what if he becomes a starter what then?
  3. Serve after there pro career? So lets say he retires from NFL at 32... you think his body is going to be in any shape to serve the military ? are you for real? 8-10 year at any position does things to your body that takes years to recover after your career with NFL is over.. pretty sure it doesn't work out that way..
  4. so in 2 years when they are both gone because they are connected what then? McDermott seems to be calling all the shots.. Beane I have no clue what he is doing.. Lets hope this is not Chip Kelly 2.0 because if it is... we start all over in 2 years... UNLESS... we get a QB.. all this is about Franchise QB.. IF they prove to get there man next year.. and lets face facts its about next year... then they are golden.. If not? same thing 2-3 years from now..
  5. There is much merit to this in all situations with every player.. IF you don't give a player enough reps per game? they will not catch up with the speed of the game.. This is every position in my opinion. Back to QB position I think teams spend to much time worried about how many passes a QB makes per game instead of just letting him learn the game. This year, They need to figure out the QB position fast.. I believe Taylor right now IS the starting QB.. But this year.. they need to let Taylor throw the ball.. and take advantage of his speed When the situation arrives. Here is the problem though.. and I hope this is a big red flag for the coaching staff this year... 1-6 when Taylor threw the ball 30 times or more and the one win was against NE Patriots without Brady.. Put out Peterman This preseason and let him WING IT! 30-35 throws.. See how he does.. Forget who is out there and who is defending.. its not about that.. its about reps and speed of game. I am actually stoked for this preseason... I always am with a new QB because this is fact folks.. This fact is undeniable... No one knows how good a QB is until they hit the field. the NFL field. thoughts..
  6. SJ is happy with family, he has also had many nagging injuries.. I think he is done with football.. This was bought up to Donald Jones about a month ago.. Donald still close with Stevie.. Stevie is done.
  7. You seriously posted this? Something that might or might not happen? Trying to say that we may loose a TE that didn't live up to the money WR injury prone HB that is aging? and your seriously worried about 2018 and we have not played 1 game yet this year? horrible thread.
  8. I think this is nice to watch, He fits in well in a west coast short throwing game. There is a couple problems I see with him though cause I have watched many reruns of his games. 1. His come from behind ability because of lack of arm strength hurts him. 2. West Coast Offense is all good and dandy but eventually your going to have a lot of drives that stall.. Sacks, Penalties.. Sustained drives hard to come by in todays NFL. I feel like what we have here is a QB that can control the game, not make many mistakes, long drives down the field. I don't Like the words upside and downside on QB's cause its to much of a stretch either way.. but dare I say I think he will turn out to be Alex Smith 2.0 with a little bit better ability to throw with accuracy to those outside WR's 1-15 yards. Dare I say his upside is slightly higher then Alex Smith. thoughts. he's better then Trent I think..
  9. Just makes me think there is more to this firing then what meets the eye..
  10. Crazy... The GM finally has a good draft and now he is gone...
  11. Question guys.. Do you think we nailed this draft because of our Long Gone GM> or cause of McDermott?
  12. There is no such thing is tanking for players.. they play to win.. If we had traded Darius, McCoy, Watkins... there replacements are going to work just as hard I don't like the term tanking
  13. sooooo anyone think McDermott is taking over full powers? is this possible? and if so he better know what he is doing..
  14. Right.. Did Cam bail and Run? No.. your comparing 2 entirely different situations.. yep and its entirely possible he new his friend smoked but didn't think he had stuff on him.. Could I sneak drugs and a gun while your giving me a ride or anyone else for that matter? it was a poor judgment of friends that's all. Give it a rest...
  15. I think you 2 don't have all the facts So I will enlighten you.. #1 Facts in the case show that rear passenger admitted to shoving the drugs and guns under the driver Side seat #2 Both football players were drug tested and clean. #3 In the article in the same paragraph it says.. "When approaching the vehicle, officers spotted a handgun on the lap of the passenger. A bag of marijuana was also observed on the driver's side floorboard. The stolen handgun was located under Robinson's seat." IF the police officer actually saw the handgun on lap of passenger then game over.. the gun is in possession of passenger not the driver Cam Robinson. the guilt was by association and nothing more.. all charges were dropped. Some times in life stuff happens when were not in fault. I think this was the case.
  16. ok those fans are dumb.. #1 I don't think Mahomes is going to amount to anything #2 they giving up there future #1 witch most teams wont do.. #3 they don't get that we did this to put ourselves in a position to get a better QB then they could of possibly gotten this year.. The top 4 QB next year will be better then the top 3 this year hands down and WHEN we have our franchise QB and there QB fails then we see how much they will be looking back at this trade when there GM is gone.
  17. yes that was 2 years ago and has proven he is above all that now.
  18. no? many draft boards had him go as low as Indy at 15. not to say there right but.. just saying
  19. I think there is a decent gap in talent between the 2. And I think that's fair to say... But Cam Robinson is round 1 talent yes?
  20. So Tackle Cam Robinson is available at round 2. Should we move to get him or take BPA at 44? Getting a CB and Tackle fills our needs at those positions and get WR in the third. Thoughts?
  21. And yet a team like the Seahawks Let him go and they needed LB's. And you want to risk reports of possible shoulder issues? And the off field issues? no.. He was not best available due to other issues. Exactly Nope your being difficult.. I followed it fine.
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