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Posts posted by PrimeTime101

  1. 11 hours ago, gadzod said:


    It really doesn't matter why he contemplated retirement.  The fact is, he contemplated it because he "Had no love for the game anymore."  What makes you think he won't have that happen again if times get rough?  I'd rather have a guy 8 years younger with 0% chance of contemplating retirement being my franchise Quarterback.



  2. 2 hours ago, bigduke6 said:

    Landry should have 200 receptions this year for 400 total yrds with Tyrod throwing to him.

    Ok well I am going to go on a hook and say this. I am happy Tyrod is gone.. But I think he will do better then you guys think over there.

    There O'Line will be top 10 this year between last years trades and drafts and this year.










    So I would be shocked if Landry got anything more then 400 yards this year:oops: lol

  3. 47 minutes ago, gobills1212 said:

    Check and mate. 

    Ps- I'm sorry your beloved tyrod was traded. 

    PPS-No one will make you go to the parade someday,  but of course you are welcome!!

    never liked tyrod so I don't no where your going with this.

    46 minutes ago, Zebrastripes said:

    The only way to consistently keep winning is to get a franchise qb and the best way to do that is to trade up in the draft and grab one.  The qbs hitting free agency are hitting the market for a reason.  A true franchise qb does not become available through free agency teams lock them up at all costs.  

    Kirk Cousins?

    Sam Bradford?







    43 minutes ago, gobills1212 said:

    This is obvious and evident but does bear mentioning as you have. Theories abound and everyone has their favorite so inivetibly there will be some form of disappointment to varying degrees but no way do these guys cut their starter (even if only in name) and not have multiple fall back plans for different senerios. I'd be shocked if this wasn't the 1st step to get to point B and move that plan along in that they don't seem like the type to move unless there is already something else in the works nearing completion. 



  4. 9 minutes ago, Zebrastripes said:

    Do you think they move up and draft a qb as well?


    8 minutes ago, gobills1212 said:

    The only poll(e) necessary is the one I get when thinking about a trade up for a top an prospect who turns the franchise into a contender. I'll deal with the bust/whammie aspect later.  No reason for a buzzkill on a day like today:)

    lazy way of thinking..

  5. 4 minutes ago, The Dean said:


    You could very well be right. But they are entertaining offers, from what I hear. The Bills have the draft capital to spend, now, without hurting them too much in this year's draft. I'd hope the Bills are putting together a compelling offer. 

    Just wondering.. why spend draft picks on 30 year old QB>?

  6. Just now, 26CornerBlitz said:


    At any rate, the Bills will sign a bridge and draft a potential franchise QB 

    So History should tell us some things.

    #1. New GM's don't really put everything in the bag early in there career to trade up like that unless they 100% sure.

    #2. Beanie traded Watkins, Darby and had them replaced asap or neither trade would of gone down

    #3. Believe in Cousins or any of the 3 QB's Minnesota has.

    I think FA

    3 minutes ago, billspro said:

    Well the answer is both. 


    Bridge QB in FA and franchise QB in the draft. 


    I have a feeling it is going to be Darnold. 

    uh to many picks to give.

  7. So where will we get our next QB? Pole




  8. 2 hours ago, Wagon Circler said:

    Today is the day! The Peterman era has begun. Ladies and gentleman, I draw your attention to the only quarterback on the Bills roster and therefore, the de facto starter. The train is ready to leave the station, but there is still plenty of room on board! #DON'TSLEEPONNATE. Who's with me?

    Yep and I bet his "era" doesn't last longer then 2 months.

  9. 3 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    Elsewhere, I posted a link to the combine workouts of Rosen Mayfield Jackson Allen, and Rudolph.  Suggest you watch them with the sound turned off, and roughly in that order (to train your eye to what the passes are supposed to be).  Look carefully for WR having to drop low, hesitate in their route or jump.


    This is just lazy post right here. I don't give a garbage about what they do in combine workout. Its about film. go watch it some day.

  10. 16 hours ago, kdiggz said:

    It can't be because he's just not a very good passer with poor form and accuracy? Has to be racist? Oh boy


    16 hours ago, buffaloboyinATL said:

    I disagree that the color of his skin has anything to do with most people’s assessment of him. Most people are siting accuracy issues, low velocity, etc, as issues, not skin color.

    Totally agree, I am sick and tired of them comparing a project as an NFL to projects in the streets..  White and Black players are considered PROJECT players.. its just a joke..

    16 hours ago, Thurmanator 12074 said:

    That accuracy issue has been debunked. So many dropped passes he would be right up there as far as the other QB’s 

    so many dropped passes? man you should watch his combine. he would have throws that just don't make it and fall yards short. It was even mentioned that is a problem,, Debunked? I don't think so.

    16 hours ago, ndirish1978 said:


    Accuracy issue has not been debunked. Stats are garbage if you don't accompany them with gametape. Have you actually watched his games? 


    15 hours ago, John from Riverside said:

    I just dont want to go down the road of making it about race...I really just dont.


    The guy is loaded with talent and was productive in College.......he got better every year....he was throwing to targets that will not be drafted......


    At 21.....I take a chance on this kid.

    Totally agree., I am sick and TIRED of the race card.

  11. 4 hours ago, HiddenInLight said:


    We do have strong wind inside of the stadium 8 times a year because of the way New Era Field was constructed.  The wind has a slight wind tunnel effect, and the fact that the Bowl sits below ground causes it to swirl around at field level.  It's the same reason that you need a kicker with a strong leg on our team as well.

    please.. first you said bad weather now its just strong winds?



    Look at that throw.. He just threw an amazing throw.. mad eit look easy in pressure..


    Don't think wind will be an issue for them then any other QB..

  12. 4 hours ago, Call_Of_Ktulu said:

    I would trade up for the 1st pick in the draft to get Mayfield. You don't mess around with QB's, when you know there is a good one you move up and get him. I would move heaven and earth to try and get Mayfield, he will be our franchise QB for 10 years+. 

    I think that depends on how far and you have no clue along with the best pro NFL scouts in the country have a clue if he 100% going to be franchise qb.. so it depends on how high we have to go.

    3 hours ago, FearLess Price said:

    Its a lazy comparison really.


    Wed be lucky to have Baker here but im starting to think Beane is either gonna trade up for Rosen or take Rudolph at 21.


    3 hours ago, KelsaysLunchbox said:




    Rosen/Rob Johnson


    Rudolph/idk...Tony Pike? Ryan Mallett? Ryan Nassib?


    Fuel for everyone's agenda machine.



    you hit it there..

    3 hours ago, TheElectricCompany said:

    Very lazy comparison.

    Manziel has some serious mental health and substance abuse issues. 

    We really don't know how good he could have been. 

    This isn't the 80s, cocaine and the NFL don't mix. 

    Lol didn't no it mixed well in the 80's either but I hear ya.

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