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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. Your anger towards Josh Allen is so high that your blinded by non truths and facts that make no sense. so there is no point in even talking to you about it. so yea just lol And now he is making a nice long reply of reasonable facts that he is cherry picking from stats board to make Allen look bad to continue to argue.. keep making that long post lol
  2. This whole thread is a troll
  3. why are you comparing attempts? one played for a year longer then other.
  4. leg/footwork is so easy to teach its not even funny. I think your nitpicking.
  5. You need help, the guy chucks the ball on his back foot 50+ yards on stride and your complaining? And so do you.. you do no he threw for less INT then Rosen right? seek life else where
  6. For you guys bring up his racist comment over and over again.. he was a kid? he new it was stupid? He apologized? yes yes yes. Does he show any kind of pattern in his past? NO Get over it people. We all were young and dumb.
  7. They have to go BPA for NEED! so BPA between WR, OL, DL one of those 3 positions best available
  8. so my thought was at first.. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO don't do it not both seconds,, Then we got Edmunds and I was like well.. we have rest of FA left and lots of room next year to get more from FA.. I am ok with it.. get your DT or G in third and we will work it out trusting the process no matter how scary it is lol
  9. every teams have leaks or people cant not talk high up in the brass. but people take those words and twist them around here to there liking. so yea.. welcome to the NFL. it is what it is
  10. Yep your right... Unless Mahomes turns out to be another franchise QB we pass up then it doesn't matter who else we got.
  11. This pick was a win/loose for the fans no matter what. 50% hate Rosen and 50% hate Allen. If Rosen were picked we would of seen the same response on these forums This was a Win Win for the bills and a Win Lose for the fans
  12. Totally agree, I mean for the love of god.. Many had him top 2 today.
  13. So you don't think Owners comment on personnel? LOL? These are the following teams you would NOT want your home team to be then. Dallas, Denver, .... nvm I will stop listing cause you get the point.
  14. No I am going to do what every other bills fan will do and eventually you also when you pull the wedgie out of your ass. I wanted Rosen also but to come on these forums and cry about it non stop is simply dumb
  15. this is a good point. People can watch all the tape they want on a guy and NO ONE knows how they perform on the NFL level. Its called accepting what we got and moving forward.. some on this board cant do that.
  16. well it cant get any simple then but hurt can it. Cry with no hopes of him being good... go ahead. He is a BILL now.. cant you just be happy we picked our guy and support him instead of sobbing over the pick for the last 10 or so hours?
  17. are you really this but hurt? this pick was 50-50 with the fans between to two Josh. Stop living in the past and root for who we have in front of us. In short stop being a negative bastard all the time.
  18. you didn't look so hard. those 2 took me 2 seconds its called "google search"
  19. and your an idiot. Not one play in the NFL. Like it or not he is a Bill now. Suck up the decision and support the guy... I want your crystal ball.
  20. LISTEN... Like him or Hate him... he looks like EJ or someone way better... I personally don't give a crap. Because I am a bills fan weather I like him or not I will cheer him and boo him. I will be happy with some plays and upset with others. But.. Because I am a Bills fan and a believer in the system.. I will back this kid up 100% and not complain about it? why? CAUSE THATS WHAT WE DO!
  21. So your saying this is the only possitive scouting report on Josh allen? How about this one http://walterfootball.com/scoutingreport2018JAllen.php Or this one https://www.si.com/nfl/2018/04/10/josh-allen-wyoming-draft-scouting-report-pro-day-arm-strength-mobility-accuracy The final outcome on these reports are not exactly horrible.. He could do really good or really bad.. Fact the matter is.. no one really knows including you, Including the bills staff... Trust the process
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