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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. BE happy we are not Tampa Bay fans. 255 wins 404 losses 387 pct since its existence in 1976 The average is around .520 puts things into perspective I would also like to add... IF we are not making the playoffs then why win? Kind of where we are at now yes?
  2. IF Tom Brady was our QB.. Maybe! The QB's you have posted still keeps us under 500
  3. OP has no clue and lost 100% credibility
  4. Look there is plenty of room for failure in drafting. So if they are smart.. IN free agency they get 1-2 good starting offensive lineman and 1-2 good wide receivers same with draft. This is how you secure your talented positions. Didn't think our Defense was is the problem.. Thought the problem.. or at least what you have stated in past is OL WR. How we planning to fix that if we ignore those positions early in draft/ especially the line..
  5. this was funny till it was used about 1000 times ago.. now.. no..
  6. what in gods name does that statement have to do with anything he said.. get real.. stick to the facts
  7. and how many of those are in the most rounds? 1 a round till 4 or 5? please.
  8. keep to the facts at hand and how YOU act in these forums not me.. we can go back and forth like a bunch of 7 years old or you can just live with an opinion.
  9. not acting like a tough guy.. but I will play the role if you continue to act like a bully around here.
  10. I am going to be honest.. The Chiefs are my next fav team after the bills.. They remind me of the throw it all day run it up your gun of the old Jim Kelly era. They are fun to watch. I wont hate a team just because we didn't draft Mahomes. That's football. its a fun team to watch and I am on board watching them regular basis. After I watch the Bills of course.
  11. he wont be sticking around if they fire him lol.. and I think he is on his way out either way,..
  12. lol I think you need to take a step back rookie.. None of you asked you or put you in charge of questioning our fanhood. If you don't like what is said on these forums don't read it. People over the last 18 years have the right to complain. if you don't like it.. seek life else where
  13. yep no problems at all
  14. The second I read somewhat lacking is the second I stopped reading the rest.
  15. So.. I see people evaluating our current OC Based on outcome, talent and stats. well if your evaluating a coach like this.. you have it all wrong.. well at least partly wrong. The PROPER way to evaluate an OC in this league is compare us to a team that has around the same talent as we do and see if he is doing well or not. When you do that you compare that with your weekly notes.. Has there been bad play calls? how many bad play calls solely based on execution? How many outstanding calls has he made on a week to week basis? Easy right? BUZZZERRRRR wrong again. because in this situation Our Line is about the worst in the league right? and our talented position at WR is also as bad as it gets with a rookie QB to boot? what offensive system are you going to compare us to that has the same issues on line and WR and QB? you cant compare to something that isn't there. Yea someone right now as there reading this is going to come up with 2 stats from our team and there team then compare but that does not CUT IT. If you want to cut him because he is not managing rookies and under average players well enough then that's great! I get it. But that's not something you will know, I will know or any retired NFL no it all on espn. they make assumptions and that's as far as it goes. NOW. that being said as fans we are making assumptions... and we all know the break down of that word blah blah blah BUT every person has that right to have that opinion and as long as its with in a suitable range of where the team is at with things then us as FANS have that right to come on here and post without getting bullied by others on these forums. this doesn't mean you should make dumb statements like "we should move on past Josh Allen and look for our next future QB" cause that's just stupid and prepare to get slammed for it. some of the people on this topic especially have been over the top and YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! again.. that being said.. I think our Offense is failing due to lack of talent/execution on and off the field. I do not blame current OC for what is going on. But what do I know.. I am just a FAN.. RIGHT?
  16. your not getting a second round pick for McCoy. I would take a third rounder in a second
  17. I will take it, never been to a Monday night game
  18. I am all for us not even showing up to the game! Wouldn't that be funny.. We would never see a Monday night game ever again and if you look at our "primetime" stats, I don't think that's a bad thing at all lol. TV ? what should they do for 3 hours? lol
  19. Go ahead. do it. get it done.. I TRIPPLE DOG DARE YA! couldn't do it? awe to bad.
  20. Go to there message boards. Many are saying the first thing they should do is loose the rest of the games and the next thing they should do is draft a new QB. we are not saying that... yet..
  21. Generally teams that Get a QB, they wait 2 years. Give the kid 2 years to see what you do. You can judge Josh Allen by mistakes but he has not made enough mistakes for me to say now we can look past Josh Allen. I can list many QB's that struggle there first year and look fantastic the next year. The fact that our LG, C, RG are backup players at the best in this league says a lot. the fact that you add that on top of this being by FAR and I mean by FAR FAR FAR have the worst WR group added on top of this OL crew adds to it. Laughable for anyone to say we have to move past Josh Allen.. Now. That being said. Any OL position other then LT is a need right now. taking Free Agency out of the picture makes this even harder. #1 ANY OL but LT #2 ANY OL but LT #3 WR repeat to make a good offense we need an OL first then good players at WR.
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