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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. Troll this is your first thread and post. screams troll. this thread should be shut down
  2. You no what? if you don't want to read "another" building thread then don't click on it? no one is begging you to read it are they? ya need to get over it/yourself
  3. The last team that played that tank card was the Indy Colts and because they did that, bad voodoo has been placed on them since. YOU PLAY TO WIN ONE GAME AT A TIME! as for Playoffs? the 17 year curse is gone, and it doesn't matter how we got there.. we did it.. Get to 7-7 then lets discuss playoffs possibilities yes? but TBH unless Brady is out we go 8-8 at best.
  4. I don't have a crystal ball or anything but 3 times announcers mentioned Teller just bull rushing defensemen 5+ yards down the field on run plays. I do not have a crystal ball but I think Teller is a beast and having a stable LT LG C helps a lot. I think if I am Mc D. I keep pulling people off practice squads to work on the right side of the line. Priorities right now? if it were offseason FA? I would get that #1 FA WR and NOT through draft. we need a #1 now and we should draft one and have it be bust. Talent positions is where we should spend our FA money. WR, DT, OLB in FA Then draft R1 OL, R2 WR, R3 OL, R4 RB/TE I see BPA thrown out there often but if we have to reach a little bit to shore up this offensive line? Then I am all for it.
  5. he is a has earned over a Million. sorry I don't feel bad for the guy. NFL, Not For Long, every player knows this fact and what they sign up for and I am supposed to feel bad for him? for these garbage performances? Just because he is a good guy isn't going to make me feel bad for him. How many people after working 2 years can go out, go back to college and get there masters degree in something and walk out debt free. I love the NFL, Love the sport.. but I am not going to feel bad for an over paid kid getting fired and has his whole life ahead of him. Feel bad for people going through cancer or other life threatening disabilities. not this. Do you really think he wants anyone to feel bad for him? please...
  6. The question should be "sir did you have to look up those standings" lol
  7. there always has to be one in the crowd, yes? lol
  8. Exactly, I wonder where we stand in the 3 and out category? Defenses get tired and Defenses cant win every game. This is two years in a row we became ball hogs, something many thought we would not do but yet here we are. I would Wager if our offense produced 75% better when what they were doing that #19 would be around #5.
  9. The real Buffalo Bills Rankings? lets try this Total Defense #5 Sacks 34 total sacks at #2 INT 16 #2 Solo Tackles 485 #4 come on man! Request title change, or OP change his post to fix this at least. this is garbage
  10. I could list WR after WR that took them 2-3 years before they got it.. been telling others but the pro's say he is a bust so what do I know.
  11. does all your posts have to be as sarcastic as this one?
  12. For those that don't know what a fire cracker is, its a kids drink Sprite, Blue Gatorade and Cranberry juice. and to boot they used this drink for kids at SB 51
  13. your right. plenty of smiles to give a way.. IF you ended your op by saying your laughable point on the topic but you didn't. and now you didn't you want to make at this moment look like it was to get smiles? WRONG TOPIC TO GET SMILES!
  14. I think this topic should be closed seeing now he thinks he posted this in "humour" as this garbage theory. in his own words.. on a personal note I feel his op was a well thought out well disguised troll post. just lock this thread mods please....
  15. Where in the above original post was there any thing funny? If you wanted us to think that this was "tongue in cheek" then your reply should of ended in you saying "well I really don't care but this is what is being said lol" or something to that fact, yet you continued to try and make his case? nice try in your exit plan but it didn't work for me.
  16. WHO CARES? This is the Not For Long NFL and if that is your actual hope to be a long term backup then the one thing you never ever do is CONSISTANTLY turn the ball over. McD is looking for a Starter.. He has had to put in Peterman out of need more then anything else. You think McD or most of us here really care for one SECOND that him being a long term back up is ruined? You think McD is thinking about this? all the answers you will see to the questions end up as a NO. He has a college education, something that millions around America cant afford to do and you want us to care about him being a long term backup? Here is a fact. because he has played at least one regular season game in the last 2 years as a starter, he will earn by end of this season around 1.7 million. his advantage is he gets to use that money to get his masters degree some where and live a rich life not having a College debt. and you want us to pity him? HA
  17. to me this is a dumb question. enough said.
  18. I would expect a post like this from someone new in these forums. if you can not figure out why Rex got canned.. either you didn't watch his games or your just another troll.
  19. there were 3 QB needy teams that passed on him before the pick and well noted 3+ other teams that planned on passing him. were you there draft day and the talk going on about him? Id like your crystal ball that you can look in history and know that Mahomes would become this? no one predicted it. so we passed on him so what? are we going to just do one post after another and cry about it or are we going to just move on?
  20. how many posts like this do we have to filter through? how many other QB needy team communities are crying they didn't get him.. let it go..
  21. Rosters never are perfect. no team has a perfect roster. good but not perfect. Some times you see teams in draft ignore BPA and draft need. Then you see people go wild "why did that team draft that" till you realize the need and the positions filling. IF the player is good, fits the need then I can give a crap. But no one is going to draft a 3rd rounder in the first round. Some times you have to reach to fix a roster ya know..
  22. I would spend ONE pick in round 2-4 on defense and get ONE FA on defense. The rest your slamming on offense.
  23. SOOOOOOOOOO I get why that is annoying but.. you have to look at why he is clapping and more importantly when. This team is in the we learn through our mistakes. He claps at people that realize that they have made the mistake because there is no point drilling them for it unless your idiots like KB that make mistake after mistake and never learn from it in witch you see the coach leaning and yelling on him hard. I also know he is just trying to get through this year. Next year with likely 3 new O'linemen and up to 3 new WR on the team with hopefully Josh Allen sitting the rest of this year learning will look like a totally different offensive team. Goal? Retain what isn't broken and dump what is. over half our O'Line and our WR position.
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