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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. Except for the QB's I quoted earlier? and the many more I could add to that list if I did more homework on the topic? na. nice try
  2. see there you go again, first bolded you should be looking at his progression between the senior bowl and now. Second bolded. Repeat players on team quality wise has lots to do with this. QB's make your players look great but players around the QB can make your QB look worse. what's not to understand about this fact.
  3. I am trying to figure out if its the case that your head is not screwed on tight or a troll but your not thinking straight.
  4. I acknowledge that he looks for the deeper passes more then the right pass and is not captain check down, doesn't throw more shorter passes (witch he needs to work on.) He is not a vet like the other guys that makes smarter plays, he is a rookie doing rookie things. Does he get to 65% next year? no one can say for sure. Cam Newton is hovering just under 60% career and I think Josh Allen will reach that when this offense gets fixed. I am going to name a perfect example for those of you that don't think a person/situation can fix QB stats. Steve Young first year was 53% Joe Montana first year was 56% Mitchell Trubisky 59% Troy Aikman who was on record saying you cant fix accuracy started his first year with bad accuracy, how did that work out Answer: Does Josh Allen have accuracy issues right now? yes? is that a lot do to the situation he is in and not sitting a raw talented player one year yes? Can he fix that? yes am I going to complain or even worry about it this year? hell no
  5. multiple factors in a QB's throwing percentage that has NOTHING to do with him? Examples.. Penalties that take away passes (yes every team has them but for us its an extreme event) Dropped balls (again every team has them but it happens to often here) the QB under abnormal pressure do to a garbage offensive line. Not able to get into a rhythm due to bad runs on first downs and massive penalties. I mean do you need me to continue?
  6. Its not a crutch its a fact. Look at GB future hall of fame QB, His supporting cast fails then he fails, he threw for 62% today and if you saw replay catches of that game you would see 2 balls had no right being caught. they are having some of the same issues we are but there defense is bad on top of it and Josh Allen is a friggen ROOKIE! PLEASE! my gosh lol
  7. and you think 63% is good due to the players he had on that team? please. and by the way how did Mayfield do today with his grand accuracy? hmm?
  8. The exact same reasons his accuracy numbers looked low in college is the same exact reasons here in NFL. Get a real TE, A real OL A Real #1 WR. then come back to me and talk about his accuracy #'s
  9. BS The program does not change the person. He has to want to change and if you think by him attending some program will help him because it was mandated to him to attend then your highly mistaken. His recent actions dictate he is not ready to make that change for himself. no.
  10. this topic was entertaining for about a second.. or two. now I am out
  11. you cant sit here and make it right with what you said. then you joke about it? that don't fly and then mocking me by calling me that is just idiocy Calling people out in person or on boards saying they should just die is immature. grow up.
  12. how did they get House? Graham?. Part of the issue that team has is running. Packers would be stupid to not get him. Rogers + Bell? Gives me shivers. If GB got Bell, worked on the line and slammed rest of offseason on defense? shut the front door good.
  13. I am in between first and second option. bad pole.
  14. I think you need to get a grip on life before making such bad comments like this. There were 2-4 bad penalties but they were tic tac calls and they took to long to talk on some calls but all and all, most of those calls were deserved.
  15. I am so glad I don't have your crystal ball.. obviously ha ha ha
  16. I would be careful with where your going on this one..
  17. Obviously Hackett hacked the job, obviously our QB is not living up to standards and obviously this is my best chance to deflect the blame to last another year in this organization. Obviously...
  18. We have this amazing 9 game win streak and you post this? I don't care how we won 9 games in a row. we won them yes? We have had 2 games in this run that didn't go into OT. Personally I think us going into OT/Shootouts and consistently winning has helped the Sabres have more faith in themselves. We have young players on this team with so much to learn, getting used to each other's habits. This team is #1 this morning, something no person thought would happen during this year yet your hear and this is your reply? Someone with over 24k posts can surely do better then this.
  19. another troll thread that needs to be closed asap.
  20. this forum has a whole other section for this doesn't it?
  21. Is this the Chiefs forums or the Bills? just wondering.
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