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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. suspending games is unpresedented..
  2. they didnt cancel the titans pits game till mid afternoon
  3. wait a minute first they said it be unlikely if they had positives yesterdag.. then today.. now tomorrow? no this game gooses are cooked
  4. send the entire team in isolation including any infected staff and hire replacements.. i know i know i watch to many movies....
  5. how many more games will they miss do to there own stupidity before games are forfitted?
  6. this but people here doubt a game will be forfeited so dont toot your horns to loud..
  7. you know typos and auto corrections happens... Titans players practiced when they were not supposed to. period.
  8. as of near the bills.. as in near the team coaches so on..
  9. how can we possibly play a game sunday and know we are safe? because the titans practiced when they should not have among other things they did against covid policies both games against steelers and bills should be fortified didnt it say somewhere that if any of them tested positive the game would be suspended?
  10. seriously with 2 new cases today. i dont want them coming near buffalo or our team!
  11. nope its nuts lol my opinion power rankings has 0 to do with standings.
  12. 3-8 is a stretch lol. i can see 3-6 not 3-8 thats just nuts
  13. there is a big long conversation on this game.. suspended or not. why start another topic why not add to the content of the other topic?
  14. when defenses stop having dedicated spies on Josh he will run a bit more again. with them spying on josh its one less blitz one less man in coverage
  15. so reply to my post and predict the 6-7 Losses we may have.. 9-10 wins? thats nuts we better then that
  16. i dont think we are as good as seahawks or chiefs yet but we may get there by the time we play them
  17. Im going to post the schedule in text followed by a poll JETS W PHINS W RAMS W RAIDERS W TITANS CHIEFS JETS PATRIOTS SEAHAWKS CARDS CHARGERS 49ERS STEELERS BRONCOS PATS PHINS Fill in the win loss columns and or answer poll
  18. its nice watching a sunday nite game and saying My offense is better then that My QB is better then that
  19. ignorance stupidity? Hater?
  20. why cant we have 1 well defended game this year?
  21. it was.. first no helmet to helmet call on josh then no fumble call
  22. time to take over this game josh!
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