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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. that isn't necessarily a good thing
  2. 9-6??? hahaha when was the last time we scored under 10 points? i like drinking kool aid but at least im not sniffing it
  3. We were in there heads all the time, I will never forget cox running off the field with pointing his middle finger's at us. We messed that team up the way NE messed us up
  4. been said many times
  5. So i was going to just leave a shrugging josh in this topic and move on but for some reason my fingers' gravitated back. I went back and read it again. Much of this article is opinionated followed by fact. KC and buffalo were in 2 different situations. KC had a near complete team that needed a QB and we had an incomplete team that needed to dump talent to get ours. No matter what, we were not picking up a QB early that year cause of the situation we were in. The questionable questions is would Josh be doing This good or better In KC and would Mahomes be doing this good here? We have seen Mahomes Ceiling but have we seen Allens' ? None of this matters to me right now because I like where we are at and where we are going. Everyone says the team to beat KC this year is Buffalo. To much opinionated stuff in this article followed by some facts. I feel that we have beat the heck out of this topic on these boards well before this article. shrug
  6. Many teams that win or get into the Conference games are teams that got hot towards the end of the year. Case in point last years Tennessee. Lets see if we evolve to that point or if it takes another year of draft and FA to get there. The Seahawks game told us a lot,, The Pitz game will tell us more
  7. BAHAHAHAHA All the morons in ESPN,,, NFL Network can Shove it.. Josh is best QB in division and top 3 in Conference BLAH BLAH BLAH Tua this Tua that
  8. Look guys this is a team sport that requires balance for anyone to be consistent in this league. As a team we are not... we lack,, A running game outside Josh Allen Better Guards A Top 15 total defense that can consistently be better at stopping those third and longs that seem to kill us every game We need to be healthier on a more regular basis. Injuries has killed us this season. When we have the full package? and I think that starts next year.. It will show what Josh can really do,, BUT! Josh needs to work on things for him to Fumbles Decision Making needs to continue to improve Faster decisions... he has gotten better here but there's room for improvement So the answer is did he peak? unknown.. Wont know till next year when we have the full package
  9. I agree with everything you said accept what I originally replied to and your % game. where you get that info?
  10. Hold on.... im astonished by your comment... how many early draft picks have failed top 10 QB? should I list?
  11. Traditionally we loose to one bad team a year Traditionally we loose one game we should not have.. has not happened yet. Although im optimistic about this team, I wont turn a blind eye to history. i have the right to feel how i do
  12. I take 0 credit for this video. This is great breakdown and how Josh has evolved. especially near the end
  13. you dont have to be mobile to be elusive. Oak trees has much to do it. A younger Roethlisberger case in point. Lucky for us Josh is both
  14. I said last year if defenses put 7 in the box, 2 either spy and or run/pass blitz then third and long have heavy coverage and no more then 4 in the box that by doing this he could not sustain long drives. the problem last year is they respected his running ability on 3rd and 7+,. 2nd and 8+ giving him easy throws. when we played them last year our defense showed other teams how to beat him. now its become easier
  15. im going to add to this conversation and talk about mvp candidate's name on left and stats josh allen has better Mahomes< Josh has 68.9% accuracy 3% more. = same yards per pass 8.2. most other stats mahomes wins (for me hes #1 mvp candidate) Rogers< Josh has 3.3% more accuracy < Josh has 234 more total yards < .2 more per pass < Allen has 35 more pass attended (more attended better numbers.. interesting) Rogers is better in td/ int # and ratio but josh owns the rest I say Mahomes likely wins mvp unless something big happens. where josh falls behind in passing td he catches up in rushing td and we are not even talking about rushing yet so lets get to that... Josh has 90 more rushing yards and 3 more rushing td then mahomes 5 rush td total Rogers 0 rush td 61 rushing yards when you combine total td Josh 25 total td Mahomes 26 total td Rogers 24 total td Total combined yards Josh 2,827 Mahomes 2,752 Rogers 2,314 So when you equal up total yards + total td its tie total td Josh leads total yards and the total td is about even. And by the way.. one more thing to add for all you accuracy nuts that still say Josh is not accurate based on completion % witch WAS the narative. % leaders Josh Allen ranks #6 in league in passing percent 68.9% for the year bleeping right Josh needs to be in the conversation
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