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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. 3 td lead and WE PRESSING BABY lets goooooo
  2. we went years without a scoring TD on defense now we get 2 in 2 games straight wooooooooooo gooooooooooo lets goooooooo
  3. hahahhahaah HUGHES!!! wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  4. The refs try to screw it up for us then screw themselves hahah i love it
  5. Refs cant beat us!! THEY TRYING BABY! we TOO good!
  6. Good job so far this game... Refs trying to give Denver the game... This is one of those games it feels like we playing against bad refs.. I saw 4 holding penalties that should of been EASLY thrown
  7. WHAT did i say.. and some goof posted skeptical lol
  8. DO NOT ... give them an easy TD this half..
  9. josh is like... give me the bleeping bleep bleep bleeping football.. enough with the bleeping penalties... lol
  10. I agree with all of this. That's why i laugh at posts saying these 2 QB will be backups in next 2-3 years lol
  11. how do you watch it at home? You should be able to link NFL Network online to your tv provider.
  12. Want to know the difference between us and other top 5 teams? a solid TE. We disagree move on..
  13. We didn't draft them last year we drafted them in 2019. Knox has bad catching abilities. if he cant catch the ball with consistency for 2 years then he's a liability. If your not a big time blocking TE and you cant catch the ball then where does that put him? I feel we can improve on Knox in this years draft. And lets take away Kerse Kelce and Gronk out of the equation and see who we would rather have Kittle Hockenson Waller Andrews want me to continue? Bottom line. Its not a roll of the dice on TE like it is on QB. I think we can improve on what we have through the draft and I think we will..
  14. I think I can reach that .. ooo.. ooo ..ooo awe screw it.
  15. these posts are opinionated. You don't see it but others do.. I can see a second round pick being a TE, If its a stud that slips then we move up for it.. Again this is all opinionated stuff. you have your beliefs I have mine.. the staying out of cap hell meaning we don't get a stud that drops to us in FA.
  16. draft TE early.. That's how you can afford it. That's how you keep yourself out of cap hell.
  17. sorry I have to laugh at this.. Teams have figured out Jackson and that's why he struggles. Tua its possible but there's to much unknown about him to make the assumption. I think many of us want Jackson and Mayfield to fail because we want to END the conversation on who was the best QB out of that draft. We all know its Josh but there's still doubters out there and as a fan that is nerving. We just want Tua to fail well because.. he is a Dolphin lol.. Book not out yet on Tua. Tua needs some arm strength and if he cant improve that well game over quickly for him. Just playing some fun devils advocate here and seeing the bigger picture lol
  18. I sure as hope to heck us getting the AFCE this week doesn't look this ugly lol
  19. no Not when your telling me its crystal ball stuff with that kind of sarcasm.. It wasn't crystal ball stuff.. Its what I would feel what it would take for Josh to get MVP and I didn't say it was going to happen like that. Ignorant quotes get ignorant responses. sorry if i'm wrong its just how it looked to me.. moving on..
  20. give my an effing break with that crystal ball stuff... I was just giving you my opinion and if you don't like it then go fly a kite.. My OPINION My RIGHT to one
  21. IT will take something big to happen for one of them not to get it.. For Mahomes its simple .. another 3 int game where he looks bad for most of the game. For Rodgers it would take something more.. like a Injury.. none of us want that to happen.. sorry I'm a realist.
  22. For the division win? For going to the afc champ game Making it to the big game Winning the big game?
  23. last year we hired an analytic director Dennis Lock? is his name? did I get that right? anyhow makes you wonder how much of a hand he had on our winning formula ?
  24. not another ole miss.... please lol
  25. Yes Josh is an anomaly lol Teams will get close to finding what Josh does but there wont be another QB with this kind of size.. speed. accuracy
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