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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. For gods sakes send someone a bucket of wings
  2. Are we going to owe Cinci more wings? lol
  3. yea i wrote that wrong my bad lol
  4. i agree go reread my post lol
  5. not just a better explanation. its an easy one to tell.
  6. Official Dance? no.. BUT I love to see a bunch of people getting it together having a good time go Bills
  7. Those of us who are old enough, that have seen talented QB's play for Buffalo saw how good Josh was asap "he passed the eye test" for us. for people 30 years old or younger.. they likely have not. What Josh Allen brings is this amazing story of how the heck could a QB be taught or learn accuracy? The problem is we older fans new the problem wasn't just Josh being a rookie or first year guy. The problem was the pieces were not all there and didn't have a year on the bench to learn. BUT.. It is a story.. and us as humans are suckers for a good story. In some books the first few pages isn't explained till you reach page 10-15. That's where Josh is at. He has now explained the first pages.. I can not wait to see how this book ends.
  8. Tre was ready to go back in the game if he had to. Roberts is Dynamic but Hyde has good hands. he will keep the position stable. Williams, Wallace, Epenesa scare me mostly Williams though
  9. OF course cincy helped us one time lol stop being a flamer lol... People understand we should keep winning. its conversation
  10. That's a lot of if's ands and buts. sorry I don't see us ever locking the second seed. and #1 seed? we have 0 chance at #1 seed. KC is up by 2 games winning a tie breaker... #2 seed is possible but unlikely. and the titans? they are one game behind but win a tie breaker.. that may be the only reason we push the starters out the last game
  11. woo hoo J E T S Jets Jets JETS! lol! glad they won I have never heard of this done before but i am game... no cap space needed to over pay a coach.. don't count as cap.. pay the man lol
  12. Give him the assistant head coach position ontop of OC and pay him
  13. Who ever is betting against the jets.. keep it up lol
  14. Salaries are based on what are you doing now. basically.. in this case they look at the best year they had and the whole picture Edited Salaries are based on.. Average per yea Growth per year and potential. In short.. what Josh does in the playoffs does matter. and not just the superbowl.
  15. Hard to compare because right now so much is based on history. but for the most part I agree
  16. hahaha gg bro you got it wrong.. take a breath.. Or better yet.. Mods close the topic do to this topic continuing to go down hill..
  17. theres a good chance you will get warnings or worse if you continue to insult me and or threaten me.
  18. then I give you Nick Wright Cheers lol
  19. Thank you! we agree lol.. it just took a while for us to get there... lol
  20. Stop making It personal. I have not made it personal... I have just stated a point. These boards are about posting about the bills not about posting personal attacks. The only thing I said is to get over it. You don't like that statement tough. But your personal attacks on me stop now.
  21. Right.. So us as fans cant and we should stop getting huffy and puffy over something that is a fair argument to be made and not absolute factual. Josh is in the discussion. Great. But its a Discussion.. not fact. that's all im saying on this topic lol..
  22. Right now IS Josh Allen the best QB in the NFL... Come on man, its an argument to be made. not a friggen fact..
  23. Look When MVP is Judged its a 3 horse race right now with Mahomes leading the way. When your talking about the best QB PERIOD... History comes in... Now.. in a way its not fair cause Mahomes already had the pieces around him his first year and he sat a year. BUT. no matter the reasons.. No matter what aaaaaallllllllll the excuses are.. The Past matters. Get over it people..... Mods I respectfully request any future posts about "hate on Josh about not being #1" get merged into this post cause I am tired of having to repeat my points over and over and over. Keep in mind.. this is a good problem to have haha but lets start merging them.. please?
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