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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. this topic went from rated G to rated PG-13 in a heart break lol
  2. OMG he did it lol.. IT was not a lot but he did it lol
  3. the bet but he gets let off the hook on it.
  4. im watching right now.. I think Colin is going to let him off the bet Cause earlier he let Colin off the bet.
  5. a wise mod once told me.. Let us worry about ourselves and they will deal with the rest.
  6. Im wondering if this was a public vote how many no's would be changed to yes. But for kicks lets break this down in how Mafia is defined an organized international body of criminals, operating originally in Sicily and now especially in Italy and the US and having a complex and ruthless behavioral code. a closed group of people in a particular field, having a controlling influence. If you look at it as #2 then there is no problem with the term. Now lets look deeper into the origins of the word Mafia Origins The term "mafia" was originally applied only to the Sicilian Mafia and originates in Sicily, but it has since expanded to encompass other organizations of similar methods and purpose, e.g., "the Russian Mafia" or "the Japanese Mafia". The term is applied informally by the press and public; the criminal organizations themselves have their own terms The more commonly accepted, dictionary-defined meaning says: The word mafia derives from the Sicilian adjective mafiusu, which, roughly translated, means 'swagger', but can also be translated as 'boldness' or 'bravado' how you wish to look at the word Mafia is on you. I have no problem with it
  7. The first time Pats started driving to the SB I was rooting for them.. Feeling good that the best team in the league beat us 2 times Then after a while It got old Then your done with them enough is enough Then it turns into animosity with them Then Animosity turned into the Hating of NE. They are in stage one.. Just wait how they act when we hit stage 5 lol
  8. I have 0 problems with this.
  9. An old saying.. Don't bet money for or against your own team. to much emotional attachment
  10. Some think to beat KC you have to control the clock Others feel you should out score them and play clean football Some also think it needs to be a balance With this team we control Time of Possession with a little run and lots of pass. Look how much Baltimore ran? and they got 10 minutes of time over us that last game. KC way more balanced then Baltimore so if they get 4 minutes on us that's not a lot. KC has a solid defense but no where near Baltimore D and right where Indy in points allowed BUT KC offense helps take pressure off that defense with points for. The only way we stick with any kind of run game is if within the first 3-4 runs we show we can gash them.. if not expect 10-12 runs from our running back 5-6 from our QB and rest we going to air it out with them. Our offense is high power enough to hang with them and our defense is warming up.
  11. bumping threads like this should go in the same category as calling someone out in a new thread. Same as someone posting something 5 months ago then refreshing there own post 5 months later saying "I told you so" Bottom line... Most of us were wrong about a great many of things about history before we were right about one thing. Haha you were wrong... Haha you were right. Has the feel of a locked thread up and coming.
  12. I swear you and I talk the same language English 1.0 and 2.0 It just takes an extra post for us to clarify each other lol
  13. The head doesn't need to hit the turf to have a concussion. There's a recent video that explains this
  14. so why they still calling it a concussion though? this is what I don't understand
  15. Extended weather forecast high of 50 low of 29 high humidity winds 10 MPH. Hold on to that ball boys... and where do you read about this word? Link?
  16. This thread looks just as bad as the litter did after the game at the drive thru
  17. There is a biiiiig topic on Lamar in where I posted. "Josh Allen was in the same boat as Lamar is now. Not enough WR or OL Talent." "If you put Lamar behind our line with our WR's how does Lamar do?" This book isn't written yet. I still stand by that.
  18. until he pukes tonight.. Just saying ...hope hes ok though.. I still think we win
  19. you know this is crystal ball territory right?
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