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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. then you would have buy to win teams. owners could buy there way to a SB if they wanted... That's no good either.
  2. HBF this is why I respect you so much. you came at my post and disagreed in a positive meaningful way. And you changed my mind. I agree. And more to agree with here. There is one thing to deal with a Diva.. another thing to deal with an adult "problems" that cant be fixed by words alone.
  3. that's an awesome memory hah those were the days huh? but all down hill since? explain?
  4. I am not going to say flat out no way to this. If Richie comes back and proves to the coaches he is in his form and can play better then another starting guard on the team then I am all for it. Maybe a little grit and meanness is what this line needs.
  5. Hi all, I am just going to give a little history and where I am at with the Bills. I was born in 69 so I have seen my share of not even play off droughts but "cant" in 7 games droughts. I started watching football with my pap when I was around 6 years old which put me around the 1975-76 range. Born into football with a solid QB named Joe Ferguson and other players on the team like OJ Simpson, Bob Chandler and Tony Greene. What a fun time to just become a fan(sarcasm), In the next 4 years the team had a combined record of 17 and 43. Born into foot ball with 4 straight years of scary bad standings to never be repeated again. Then for 2 years straight we had the Ferguson, Cribbs, Butler/Lewis combo and made it to the playoffs to straight years to not win a playoff game. I remember calling him Butler fingers as in "butter fingers" cause you thought Knox dropped balls... this guy turned it into a talent... or so how I remembered it. then after two straight 2-14 seasons our GM pulled the trigger and drafted a guy named Jim Kelly and got a coach named Marv Levy. After a 7-8 season they went on a 12-4 record and took us to the Conf. game where we lost. The following year man... expectations were high! We wanted a SB run but we had struggles on defense that year and lost the division round. Our defense struggled this year as I remember it and our high flying fast throwing deep ball diving football team could not get on the field enough. Questions were asked that year with all the talent we had why did we fail? Then with out Question the Bills made 4 straight SB appearances. A glorious time it was. We should have won one of them but the team and the fans kept our chins up high as we were proud yet frustrated fans.. we wanted our SB Win. After 3 more years Kelly retired. I sobbed. Then other teams left and started joining other teams. Then we went 17 straight years of... Ownership making silly decisions, GM every 3-4 years and coaches every 2 years.. Boy it took a long time to get it right. Now many of you are wondering.. why the long writeup on history we already know about? Well to make a point I guess. You see we had Kelly for 11 years. Josh we will have for much longer and on top of that we have a Coach and a young GM that I feel will be with us for years but.. The point being is we are going to have down years with this QB and amazing years with this QB BUT... we have our QB. and because we have this amazing QB named Josh Allen who after his second year, takes this team on his shoulders and drags us to the Conf. Champ game. We are going to have bumps in the road but we are going to have a fun ride. Enjoy it Bills fans.. we deserve it!
  6. yea uh no. That's more like wishful thinking. 7th round pick for a good upgrade at a position of struggle is worth it again crystal ball.. you nor I don't have a clue what would happen.
  7. HMM I watched a lot of this too. But.. Is it plausible that this is happening cause of horrible guard play?
  8. I respect the heck out of ya but I am with newera on this one. your doing to much if and but crystal ball stuff. In Bean I trust lol
  9. the only players that usually disagree are high end superstars/ I think this guy will respect we want him and work with us. This is the type of player that would work and help teach our current TE a thing or too. If reasonable I would jump all over this.
  10. This was the original post trying to explain it to you you named 3 difference makers here.. One could argue others but that's 3 and go off on a rant about the chiefs. Then I spent lots of time explaining this to you. And now all of the sudden you want to say you were off topic the whole time not referring to the last 4 years without explaining that and you want to dip into 2016 witch not the year on the OP topic? lol are you serious man? get back on topic for our sanity cause your going to put us in the looney bin.
  11. Dazz Newsom Pro's West Coast Offense. great 5 wide WR. A sleeper. Explosive (quick ) Does a great job getting open Versatile he can play slot and outside Solid rout runner. Great student of the game Con's He lacks size at 5'10 needs to work on some muscle toning Lots of this type of talent coming out of the draft this year.. may work against him Lacks pure speed Spent a year as QB instead of WR Struggles with bump and run My thoughts Personally its a easy no for me but thats just me High ceiling low drag/
  12. This draft model in order is extremely out of date compared to the other ones.
  13. I so disagree with this it is beyond words... Has he slowed down? yes.. but he is still fast.. you can't possibly go from 2019 healthy season to 2020 very unhealthy... played unhealthy and even begin to come up with this assumption.
  14. for every one time Kiper is right... hes wrong 5 other times
  15. All do respect and the respect he gets around the league does not = production. but thats just me
  16. This is so wrong on top of wrong, I don't even know where to start. I think HBF said it the best.
  17. again your off topic. we are just discussing drafts. why is this so hard for you?
  18. so many holes? Most of the holes you are referring to are not holes, just upgrades needed. As a whole, this team is in a better place with this GM. but the holes you are referring to is not the topic at hand. The topic at hand is how good he has drafted the last 4 years. lets not loose sight of that.
  19. Darn. Must of felt good for those bones to sit on that bench.
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