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  1. who cares... In other Buffalo Bills News....
  2. I picked OJ but lets be honest here.. This is 3 different era's of football we are talking about. While OJ played, it was way more common to build teams around the run then the pass. During Thurman's year, protection schemes balanced and the ball started to get thrown more often. Now offensive lines are more built on defending the passer. OJ edges this one out.. but only by the tip of his nose..
  3. this is a 100% Colts/Manning scenario brewing.. but not till the last 3-4 years of his career.. we have time..
  4. Didn't the Bills have a couple times where they were down to 1 year left a couple times and that summer, they came to a deal? No way they do not figure out a deal.. that would be hard to believe.
  5. nah i call that back yard BS.. you commit a penalty.. you yell and scream then its "on me" "lets get this back" You make game costly penalties its on ME.. I need to get better.. then.. we can get better as a team moving forward. I can not ever see in any given scenario where JA has Int's and a fumble and does not say "I cant make those mistakes.. that was on me" JA Always owns up. Lamar does not.. sorry.. lol much respect. we can live to agree to disagree on this one yes? lol
  6. No.. screw the andrews drop.. IF Lamar did not fumble the ball.. thats a different game same goes for his int.. though we did not score points on it we should have.. Lamar choaked... again.. its a Lamar issue
  7. Baltimore scared the eff out of me.. the moment we had to play them.. KC Does not.. We taking it all the way this year....
  8. MY personal opinion.. The dude was just at the podium.. and it was "WE" need to do this better "WE" cant be turning the ball over.. If That Was JA it would of been him taking accountability saying "I cant turn the ball over" "I did things I could of done differently" Lamar.. WE WE WE WE... JA I I I I Lamar has no accountability. Horrible look for Lamar.. the playoff choak artist.. ..
  9. First off... Great Topic and Great Poll. For a year now you and I have kind of gone back and forth on this. I personally think.. If we had an elite trustworthy S. We would do 4-3 more often.. but we don't.. As for this game.. I am between the 10-30 range on plays. IF we do.. Our OLB's need to have superb Edge control or Lamar's speed will gash us.
  10. Ravens is the only team that can stop us now.
  11. No one else on team on the offensive end qualified. McDaniels is a GREAT Offensive mind.. YES I would take McDaniels.
  12. Wasn't Shakir drafted in the 5th? Benford in the 6th? don't sleep on these late picks lol
  13. how about a 3 HB formation and they all go out on 35 yard routs. The book is out that we pass to our HB's at will.. Lets finish the book with a bang and call it a day lol.
  14. your pick was safe. That being said, I don't think any of us would of predicted 10 or less to win the division. Shocking part of the story.
  15. Barkley will get votes. If people think this is just about Josh and Lamar then they will be mistaken. If people think JA has this by a ton... they will be even more sorely mistaken...
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