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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. You are correct.....the answers merged and now it's sending it to you and not the other poster.
  2. I'd rather hear my wife pinch a fit than pinch a loaf.
  3. Oh, i don't lower it at all in a public restroom..... If i get that thing up with my foot, wherever it ends up, that where she stays. This pretty well covers it in a public restroom.....
  4. Now here's the rest of the question about toilet seats up or down........when you're in a public restroom and the urinals are full and you gotta use the stall, do you put the seat up or leave it down?......cause i'll tell you right now, i ain't never touched a public toilet seat and i ain't ever planning on it. I'll use my foot to coax the seat up and if that ain't working, i'll piss right through the center of the seat opening, hoping for a direct hit, but i don't have good aim and sometimes there's piss all over the place. Hey, i'm being honest here.....
  5. Ok, thanks for getting me back on track and up to speed. As for the topic direction?......nope, i'm out.
  6. I smoke everything and i have also tried to smoke everything..........some things work, and others don't. Smoked salmon or trout, no problem, however, never smoke bass (tried it and there's a reason why no one ever eats smoked bass cause it's beyond terrible). Ribs, pork chops and sausages are still a fan favorite to smoke.... filet mignon, however, is not. I tried it last weekend and it was horrible and in fact, there's not too many beef products that are even too good to smoke, besides brisket or beef ribs......cuts of steak rarely work out well.
  7. You guys will have to forgive me, but i don't know what in the hell were even talking about anymore.
  8. Down, because.....my wife said so and that's the end of that.
  9. I saw that as well. It's the NY market and they have some fairly high expectation for the Jets this year.......every year as well, i suppose. We all know how this story ends for them.
  10. You asked if I've ever sat on a jury and i responded "yes" i have......and i guess that's the end of that.
  11. I've said it before and i'll say it again, the Bills can go toe to toe with any team in this league. There is absolutely no team in the NFL that gives me pause in my thought of that either.
  12. Yes, i've sat on a jury........what else you got? Yes, it came out after the trial and just came out again with more detail after OJ's death.......what else you got?
  13. Did i see that right on the schedule?!?...........the last 3 games are NE, Jets and NE? Like, wtf kind of scheduling is that? You would think they would spread the conference games out a little bit. I like when we play divisional opponents for the opener and the finale, especially when the division title could be on the line.
  14. No Hi-vis, no safety glasses, wearing a hardhat that guys use for doing lube and oil changes, etc.........Jesus Christ, he wouldn't last 5 seconds on my project without being banned for life.
  15. Just so you're aware, if you bring your "key" comic books to your LCS (local comic shop), they'll only give you anywhere from 30%-50% of the actual value of each book. Their way of thinking is that because they have a shop with overhead, they need to buy low and sell high to turn a profit.....keep a little meat on the bone, so to speak. Also, any books that the LCS considers "filler" (which are books that have little to no value) will only be bought for 5 cents, maybe 10 cents per book in bulk. The only way i recommend selling books to a comic shop is if people want to get rid of them fast with very little hassle.
  16. I just moved to northern Quebec for work, and it's well known that people round here are terrible drivers......stopping at a stop sign is optional, posted speed limits are suggestions only, etc. Countless times i've pulled up to a 4 way stop only to have a driver run the stop sign in the other direction, like i'm talking not even attempting to stop, just barreling on through.......and then glaring at me like i'm the ***hole. **** the French.
  17. That's a true story right there. I watch more college ball than NFL and for me to watch a full season college calendar, i need to buy a subscription for SEC, the Big 10, the PAC, etc. It used to cost me $1,800 a season to watch every game from every conference. I was always hoping that they would have bundle packages for every conference, but nope, each one is an individual subscription......now i just watch whatever is playing on TSN, ESPN, etc.....i can't justify paying that kind of money anymore.
  18. This is honestly how i see Beane determining who he'll bring in to save our WR position.......bangs his head against the desk about 12-20 times and then calls around looking for a deal.
  19. I honestly thought some posters were being overly dramatic on the state of our WR's, but seeing that list is actually bringing me down.
  20. I'm starting to see your concerns these past weeks of the state of our WR's. I was being totally optimistic, but seeing this WR list in full is almost a sham.......it's almost embarrassing.
  21. My brother-in-law collects antique boat motors, for some reason.......i don't get it, but he loves it. What i've learned over the years is that even if something is old, it doesn't mean it's necessarily valuable unless it has some sort of significance to it. My rule of thumb for people is do your research......also, old is not always gold. And that is totally relatable cause i have a comic wall displayed in my office at home and i will periodically look at all the books sitting on display and remember the story behind each one that i got.
  22. I have a massive card collection and i can honestly say i don't even have one Henderson card.......if you've got 1900 of them, there's probably not much left for the rest of us....lol. I had a slot car collection when i was a kid (my dad turned me onto them), however, i have no idea where they ever ended up. It's one of those things where you forget about something for a bunch of years and then try to remember what ever happened to them and i honestly have zero idea where they are or where they ended up.
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