And i will wholeheartedly agree with you.
I, like everyone else expected a run play and i was happy to see it happen......i wasn't happy for a zero net gain, but at least we didn't turn the ball over.
The only thing that makes sense to me is if McDoormat believes that every kicker in the league is just as bad as Bass and hoped that a FG try would get shanked (you know, something Bass would have done).
Other than that.....i got nothing.
understood.....over and out.
You have to run it 3 straight times, keep the clock ticking and force Houston to use TO' never know, we might have gained some yards. We certainly weren't going to have any open WR's in the last 30 seconds when they weren't open all game long.
Houston was probably just loving us for trying to throw it......i would have loved to be on the Texans sideline listening to that conversation.
They were probably as baffled as the rest of us.
McDoormat, strikes again.
Yeah but, i don't remember too many times in Philly where people were making up titles for every play calling disaster by the coaching staff......they didn't have Hail Murray, 13 seconds, 12 men, and now 26 seconds, etc.
Even though Reid was stagnant in Philly, he didn't make obvious stupid play calling mistakes.
If that was the Hood, he would hold people accountable........but, we get to hear that we're going to learn from this, we need to play complimentary football from all 3 phases, winning is hard in this league, blah, blah, blah.
Wash, rinse, repeat