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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. If this idea actually works, like this is going to open up so many work ideas for my job.......i could really use an end of day coordinator to stay on top of things when i'm ready for my late afternoon nap in my cubicle. At first, i thought the notion was a farce, but it actually sounds brilliant......mind you, i've got a sore tooth and about four Tylenol 3's deep, so just about everything sounds pretty good right now, however.....
  2. I wouldn't even hire Saleh to work the fry-o-lator in the concession stands.
  3. I have no issue with this and if JA has to sit out a game or two, i'm okay with that too......look at the long term. If we are spinning our wheels this year and not really going anywhere as a rebuild/reload, then preserve JA as much as you can and get ready for next season. I've made my peace with this season and perhaps some of you should too.
  4. Maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong......i'm just saying I have no words here, other than i just puked a bit in my mouth........again.
  5. I have no words here, other than i just puked a bit in my mouth.....
  6. I'm not crying.....i'm saying McD is a god and has no flaws. Try and keep up, son.
  7. Maybe if we sweep the leg again like last year, we can knock Rodgers out for the season again.....
  8. I'm not sure if i approve of the job Beane is doing cause i have no idea what the hell he's doing
  9. Well, it would be nice if at least one of those teams played with any kind of emotion.
  10. I still like how Rodgers came in as the NYJ saviour........ran onto the field against our Bills waving a flag, 4 plays later, out for the season. Like, come on man
  11. It's actually WR's are on the decline from the priority they used to be. In the 90's and early 2000's, WR's were one of the most integral part of a roster, with QB's taking advantage of D schemes and hurling long bombs. Things started to flip mid 2000's when teams started to covet CB/DB's more and cover the entire down field with high safety looks and passing became more over the middle and TE's being coveted to take advantage of the coverage. The "day of the WR" will surely come back, as everything travels full circle in the NFL, but i would say right now, WR's are important, but not nearly as important as they used to be......(and as i am writing this phrase, i think of our roster with terrible WR's and cringe).
  12. Are you kidding me?.......McD is the most protected HC out there right now. Pegs loves him, Beane loves him, JA won't say anything negative about him, McD's twelve fans still love him........
  13. So.....when are the threads going to start that we should hire him?
  14. When i was a kid, those monkeys used to scare the living daylights out of me. Also, the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang......when the guy would go out in the street and kidnap the kids in cages. Scared me to death every time as a kid and they could never get away with a movie premise like that anymore these days. There was another movie, Return To OZ that came out (i think in the early 90's) and it sure wasn't a kids movie, that's for sure.
  15. Agreed. McD has shown time and time again that although he can be brilliant at times, he can also more often than not, make crucial mistakes at the worst possible times.....it's like a bad remake of Groundhog Day, only the insanity just never ends. It's honestly embarrassing how many times he has choked and even more embarrassing how fans still stick up for him. I get it......McD and the FO have taken this franchise out of the dark depths, but they have also sent the franchise into a limbo of sorts, of the likes can only be compared to with Cleveland (alright, any Browns comparison is uncalled for and i apologize, but i'm angry dammit).
  16. KC utilizes this all the time without fail, but i think it's a concept that our OC hasn't quite grasped just yet.
  17. Yeah, pretty much......enough hits and you start to look like him too......i'm not that far off at this point.
  18. I think they took that with them when they were shown the door.
  19. I think he's saying we need a coach to coach the coach..........yes, you read that correctly.
  20. McD has no flaws and saying anything contrary makes you a bad fan
  21. I agree, brother......i brought up the same points and was considered a "bad fan".......you know, for having an opinion. The ways that this team continuously finds to implode on the field is outright uncanny, unheard of and somewhat comical. The game mismanagement each and every week is historically bad and yet, fans still want to wear the blinders and think everything is perfectly fine, like a move along, nothing to see here mentality. Even getting into the postseason every season, we all know how the story ends going forward. We win just enough for the FO to make money and keep the fans coming back and buying the merchandise......unfortunately, the product on the field is failing, but the fans keep buying into it and will continue to do so because at least its not the "drought years". If this isn't our year, then maybe next season........................................................................................................(spoken by every Bills fan)
  22. Aye Carumba.....
  23. How are these coaches not on the same page? McD has to implement what he expects out of his coordinators and force ownership on decisions and he needs better communication. I can see already if McD was my boss, i'd lay a piling steamer on his desk the first day and then quit.
  24. Well, they kind of needed our piss poor game management to beat us.......and we gladly handed it to them on a silver platter.
  25. But our FO said that even retooling this year, we weren't going to miss a beat and still be competitive......sure, we can beat up on bad teams but give us a challenge and we fold like a cheap Tua.
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