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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. And factor in a Defensive HC to boot and it looks like he's just making it all up as he goes.
  2. We've had all offseason to address the kicking, so i don't want to hear that there was no better option out there. You can't tell me that there was absolutely no one available because i refuse to believe that. There is absolutely no franchise that would have Bass on their team and i would think he wouldn't even make most teams PS and yet, here we are......
  3. I don't know what's going on here, but you can count me in!!!
  4. I've been beating the drum for this guy (i've made no secret about it) and you guys are finally seeing what i saw from him in college......he is a beast and the perfect guy when you need those tough yards.
  5. I seriously cringe every time Bass has to go anywhere near a FG or XP.......i'm of the theory that we might as well go for it on every 4th down and go for 2 points every time. Get that ball away from Bass as often as possible.........it's sad, just sad.
  6. That's what out FO does, holds onto scrubs cause they are "nice guys" or have a "feel good" story.........Bass, Hamlin, etc. Aye Carumba
  7. It was absolute bull crap
  8. That's what happens when a RB only gets a few carries a game........"all day" Ray is the type of back that needs to get rhythm and that comes with lots of carries consistently, not just stepping in once in a while to spell off Cook. I've followed both Cook and Davis in college and i would take Davis every time. Cook looks more electric on plays, juking and bobbing and weaving until he sees a gap and tries to glide through it, while Davis is a no holds barred, straight ahead runner, hits the gap and just explodes through it......and Davis has the better hands. We should be giving Davis the ball as often as possible.
  9. Our run game was working........just saying
  10. I replayed a blatant holding 12 times......and no call
  11. The O is clicking, the D is ****ing the bed........nice job, McD
  12. Our D is just making it wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too easy for the Jets
  13. If the Bills are ever in another SB, i'm travelling wherever that is and i don't care what country.
  14. I've never seen Bama so happy to beat a 3-2 SC team by 2 points. Jesus, Bama is a mess and how they remain in the top 10 is beyond me.
  15. I used to have a couple of shirts, but that guy will put his name on anything......he's got some real trash looking stuff out there.
  16. I've done a lot of greasy and shady **** in my life, but i've never walked out on a tab.
  17. I think the question you have to ask yourself is if we had Higgins, would Brady know how to utilize him?.......and i know you're saying, "oh yeah, Sweats, no problem" but keep in mind that we have 2 decent TE's and nobody has been able to figure out schemes for them yet. I think any talent on this roster will be underutilized and ruined with Brady as our OC..........sorry, not sorry.
  18. Nice list, however, i have the "perfect game" at number 1
  19. Bills - 13 Jets - 21 Sorry, not sorry.......i don't know if this is the week that we're going to turn our O around.
  20. Johnson and HUGE in the same sentence?.......you sir, just made MY day.
  21. Do you feel triggered?
  22. Nowadays, i'm not even sure i'm allowed to laugh at this comment without hurting someone's feelings or triggering them......show us on the doll where the bad man hurt you.
  23. ........you haven't been injured much, have you?
  24. I assure you, yes. I know the dead guy was somewhere in 1st class. I was in economy, so i was at the back of the plane and no one knows where the electrical fire started or where it was, but you could smell it throughout the whole plane for hours. The fire started first (which led to power being rerouted to the flight deck and we sat in darkness) and then about 30 minutes after, the doctor (who was sitting beside me) was asked by the attendant to check on a passenger in 1st class......and about 20 minutes after that, when the doctor came back to his seat, he told me the guy was dead of a heart attack. They weren't going to reroute the plan or do an emergency landing over the dead guy (he wasn't going anywhere)......it was the fire concern.
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