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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. I'm getting a little closer to solving the mystery and it may not be what i originally thought.......i mean, it is piss so there's no mystery in that, however, i'm getting a little closer to the whodunit. Yeah, imagine those phone calls today........"um, i don't want to sound like an ***hole, but did you piss on my mattress?........no?.......okay, i'll talk to you another time".
  2. We always referred to anyone who was socially awkward as a spaz......to me, that is what it means anyways.
  3. My son turned me onto it........i tried, i'm not good and that was the end of that. How do i compete with kids that play 24 hours a day and never leave their moms basement. Like, these kids live for this stuff.......i, on the other hand, have a life, a family and a piss-stained mattress to worry about.
  4. Indian food, well that'll do it.........your lucky not every sink, bathtub, toilet, trash can, etc. was full
  5. Then i'd have a mattress with piss AND blood on it.......that's not helping.
  6. So, last week i had Covid and because i was sick, i slept the whole week in our spare room. This bed has always only been used for guests, however, when i decided i would sleep in the spare room, i changed the sheets and discovered piss stains galore on the mattress. Like, i'm talking someone had a real bladder problem......and also neglected to say anything. I ran through the roll-a-dex in my mind of all the people that slept in the spare room. The list of suspects are as follows..... * My brother-in-law * My sister-in-law * My father-in-law * My mother-in-law (do you see a pattern here?) I'll get to the bottom of this, i assure you. I will not rest until i find out who it is (i won't rest on that piss-stained mattress anyways). Piss-stained mattresses........love em or hate em?
  7. I don't know if you knew this or not, but people rarely know what they are talking about, including myself.
  8. We always cook our bird in the oven (uninspiring, i know), however, we learned a little trick for keeping that old bird moist. You loosen the skin from the body (don't take it off, just loosen it off) and stick your hand in between the skin and body with handfuls of butter and give her a good rub.....like i'm talking slathering that bird with handfuls of butter. Then put the skin back up against the body and cook......that will be the moistest bird you could ever imagine. (just noticed a fun game to try.......try replacing "bird" with "wife"......fun for the whole family right there).
  9. I honestly don't know how i feel about this......on one hand it may be offensive and yet on the other hand it has inspired so much of my work on these boards. #confused
  10. My wife handles the bird and as far as turkey goes, it's usually me.
  11. Whores would be a step up from the women i know.
  12. The next Jets game is the "make or break" on the season for them......i can see them playing some sloppy ball but pulling out a close win (it will mean nothing in the AFCEast standings anyways). I think your picks look pretty solid to me.
  13. TB hasn't been playing outstanding lately, but i can't see KC winning by 9.5 on this one. I know the Ravens aren't happy about losing to the Browns last week, but i can't see them wining by 9.5 on this one either. I think Denver will make a game of it. I could see the Bengals winning by 7.5 over the Raiders. Philly by 7.5 over the Jags makes sense to me.
  14. Oh my god, this thread topic has so much potential for me, but i just can't do it.......that website is horrible by the way.
  15. Nope.....i'm out. I've been putting off work all morning, but this thread has re-inspired me to get back to work. Thanks.
  16. I'll bet you're a lot of fun at parties.........people are just speculating and playing out different scenarios to take their minds off their dull disinteresting lives......don't take that away from them.
  17. Richardson is purely a college QB.......you see it all the time in college ball where the QB excels in the college system and completely fizzles out in the NFL transition. Rosen, Leaf, Claussen, Mallet, Carmazzi, Nagle, Leinart, Quinn, George, Losman, Mcquire, Ware, Klingler, Mirer, Shuler, blah, blah, blah........this list could seriously go on forever. Standouts in college and nothing special in the NFL.
  18. Depth.......that is all, carry on.
  19. The only stat i need is win/loss, everything else is completely irrelevant to me.
  20. There is a lot of buzz on social media yesterday and this morning that the Bills are close to getting something done.......no one has any idea what's going on and its only speculation, but where there's smoke, there's fire. Stay tuned, Bills fans......this could be huge (speculation only)
  21. Same as last week and same as every week for the past 40 years........i eat whatever my wife makes.
  22. Elam ain't worth jack-squat......may as well keep him as depth cause his value is absolutely zero
  23. I am probably the worst offender for watching Knox offensive plays, but neglect to watch any of his blocking at the LOS, which skews my image of how we actually incorporate him into plays. In other words, if i don't see him making big splash plays, i just assume that he isn't doing anything or isn't being used properly, not even considering that he might actually be making a blocking play.
  24. ......i did my part
  25. It seems that just about everyone was there at the Hooks game to watch that incredible catch..........for the record, i wasn't there
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