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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. I used to party with Mack the Knife back in the day.......that dude was bizarre, man.
  2. Mines currently in use, but i can filthy up another one real quick........in fact, you've just given me the perfect project for the afternoon. I'm about to filthy up another one.......you're all invited.
  3. I've said it before and i'll say it again........Teef tells me that Rochester is THE place to visit.
  4. The media crowned the Jets the kings of the AFC in the offseason........let all of them rot in their own filthy piss-stained mattresses for all i care.
  5. I listen to a bunch of forgettable ones, but Marino is the one i listen to religiously.
  6. .......roughly 125,000 kms (don't know what that is in miles). We've only really used it as the family car for trips and such and she has really only uses it for errands, groceries, to and from the vet, etc. She actually wanted a Rav 4, but kind of fell in love with the roominess of the Venza and the fact that it's the big 6 cylinder and is a beast with the AWD in the snow.
  7. My wife has a 2014 Toyota Venza and she absolutely loves it. She bought it new 10 years ago and we haven't had to put a dime into it. I'm fairly certain it will be the "forever car" cause i can see this thing running till the end of eternity. My next truck will be a Toyota Tundra.
  8. Haven't you heard?......the Fins won last night and are making their come back for the division.
  9. No TD's and 5 FG's, just ain't gonna cut it in this league.......the Rams should be ashamed of themselves.
  10. So, they say what a person drives says a lot about that person and i got a lot of questions about all you sons a *****es. I drive a 2014 Dodge Ram, 5.8L, 8 speed Hemi.......she's all beat to hell and rust holding it all together. She's not much to look at anymore and seems to fall apart every time i drive it, but i bought it new off the lot 10 years ago and i just can't seem to part with the old girl. This was the first vehicle that i bought that i actually wanted.......usually i would only buy what i could afford. What are you driving and do you like what you're driving?.......and are you driving what you always wanted or just what you can afford?
  11. Maybe, maybe not........i just throw it all out there and let everybody else figure it out.
  12. I'm all for it, but with his previous domestic track record, is he a guy that McD wants on his roster?
  13. I think we can all agree that this was never going to be a rebuild year.......we're definitely reloading by getting rid of the Diggs baggage, trying to clean up the cap, getting younger on the roster, etc. A reload will still have some growing pains, mind you, but we seem to be making it work thus far and how far or how long it's going to work for us at this point, is anyones guess.
  14. The Cowboys.......lol. Hey, play stupid games, win stupid prizes
  15. I noticed that as well when i re-played that snap back......it just seems like we left the whole weak side open and were completely out of position for what Indy had lined up for. We made no adjustments and yet again, allowed another runner to have his way with us. This will not work for us in the playoffs and in fact, will lead to an early exit.
  16. Here's the way i see it.......yes, it would be nice to have a true legit #1 WR, however, i think the team is fine as long as Brady can properly scheme for the guys and talent that he does have on the team presently. I'm not going to say we have mediocre talent on our roster, as i think we have the talent to compete with any team in the league, but to fully utilize what we do have on the team, it has to be done through schemes and play calling.......hopefully Brady realizes the importance of the gauntlet we'll be facing over the next month and scheme accordingly to put the players in the best position to succeed.
  17. You know the line, "the church bell rang 29 times for each man on the Edmund Fitgerald?"........when old Gord passed away, they rang the bell 30 times in memorial to include Gord. I thought that was a respectful thing to do.
  18. Alright, everybody just calm the **** down.........my bad.
  19. Nope.....the dude is washed. Let him exit gracefully
  20. I think the Cowboys GM is in "name only" as a puppet regime under JJ.
  21. The "Boys" are coming into a rebuild but don't want to admit it. I think they've taken a page out of the Bills book by locking up some key players and hoping they could just reload the rest......and as you can see, it ain't working. In the offseason, things are going to get real interesting in "Jerry Land". They'll have to seriously consider parting ways with the HC, the GM, re-evaluate their spending with Dak now locked up (he's not very good, by the way),etc.
  22. This "bend, but don't break" D is going to kill us come playoff time.......allowing teams to run on us to save the big pass plays is just asinine to me. Teams are going to gash us with the "death from a thousand cuts" philosophy and run it all over us which they already have with great success. If we don't get that cleaned up a bit, we are going to be in big trouble.......bank on it.
  23. Wait.....what?!?.........how is this allowed to even happen? This is complete bull**** of the highest order!
  24. As for our overall schedule, this is the "meat" of it that i've been looking forward to all season.......It's going to tell us exactly what this team is from here on out. I have no doubt that we will compete with them, however, it's going to get real interesting.
  25. Dawgs got a thorough beat down by Ole Miss, Miami couldn't stop a nosebleed and Bama crushed LSU. The committee's ranking are going to get real interesting from here on out.
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