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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. I'm not particularly a fan of OU, but anyone who can give Bama a proper beatdown and give them their 3rd loss of the season, is alright by me. There is no way Bama stays in the top 12 after that loss.
  2. That loss last night should knock Bama out of the top 12 for sure........3 losses and 2 against unranked teams, so you can put a fork in them cause they are finished. Ole Miss out right blew it.......they had their chance and just blew it. Dart was crying after the game cause he knew he let that game slip away. Penn State beats Minny by 1, but a win is a win, i suppose, but it wasn't real assuring to say the least. Penn's play calling this season is atrocious and Franklin should politely be let go. ND just keeps winning. I don't see this team as particularly good, but they are winning A&M gets beat by an unranked Auburn.......aye carumba Colorado blew their chance.......poor, poor Prime. BYU loses a game that they should have won, but alas BYU strikes fear into no one .........there was some really good college ball played this weekend with a lot of results that most never saw coming. My wife doesn't understand how i can sit around the house every Saturday and watch every game, but college ball is my life and this past weekend ball games is what keeps me coming back.
  3. OU played one hell of a game last night and deserved that win.
  4. The game reminded me of back in the Kelly era when me and my buddies would all head over to Taps (our causal watering hole) at noon every Sunday, order wings and beer and watch the game. We were laid back, relaxed and yet, excited for the 1pm games, which eventually led to us hanging around for the 4pm games. Taps had multiple tv screens on every wall (probably around 100 tv's in all) mounted everywhere and playing every sport imaginable, but the NFL was the highlight for Sundays and we capitalized on it every weekend. The KC game this past weekend just felt different. It felt like the Bills expected they would win and they had an absolutely brilliant game plan on every phase.
  5. I forgot about this, but when i first saw it on the Sopranos, i re-watched it over and over about 12 times. To this day, it is still one of my favorites of all time.
  6. I love Cooper and hope our FO will retain him for next season +
  7. ......i have none of my own
  8. I'll tell you right out that it wasn't me, but it does sound like something i would say.
  9. I think Simon the Mod could really hold his own on this one.........he seems like a real tough guy.
  10. Re-watch it?!?.......i didn't like it the first time.
  11. Letting him go was strictly a business move........they don't want to be on the hook for any guaranteed money if he happens to hurt himself before the end of the season. Giving him that contract and then benching him was strictly a novice move by a hopeless FO.
  12. ROM - Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto.......this museum is excellent stuff, man. They tend to change things up every couple of months to showcase new things. If you have a full 12 hours or even a weekend free, it is worth its weight in gold to visit. Ottawa Museum - Ottawa, Ontario........i was so looking forward to this museum when i visited Ottawa and it was trash. I was through the whole exhibit in about 1 hour, there really wasn't much to see and it was a huge complete let down.
  13. But New York and Miami media are all saying they still have a chance to clinch the AFCEast
  14. Bruce Lee 20 year old Mike Tyson Richard Kuklinski.......if you know, you know
  15. Despite their record, the Steelers aren't scaring anyone. As a side note, what was the fight about in the stands at the end of the game?............anyone know?
  16. This can't possibly be true because this whole thread was making it sound racist, so it must have been white guys doing it.
  17. I lived life back in the day when it was acceptable to drink on construction sites, where it was acceptable to drink and drive, drive without a seatbelt, when you got into a fight in the bar the bouncers just let it go to see how it all played out, you drove without a driver's license and no one really cared, safety of any kind especially on construction sites was never even cared about, etc. Things were different back then and hanging a noose on a construction site was a "rite of passage", not a symbol of ill-will towards anyone. It was done in jest to show the apprentices what would happen to them if they ****ed up. It was a joke, and we all knew it was a joke........unfortunately, all it takes is one person with hurt feelings who is "triggered" to create an issue for a long-standing tradition that ruins it for everyone. And trust me, we had no "go along to get along".........we had men that spoke their minds and weren't afraid to say it. If you couldn't speak your mind or if you are easily offended, then perhaps construction wasn't for you, and it was best for that person to move on because we were never going to change the culture to suit one person. We live in an age that i don't recognize anymore and when i say that i am old and probably one step closer to death, so all of these nonsense society changes mean nothing to me, it is in jest, however, it really isn't, because i don't care. I am the way i am and if anyone has a problem with it, then it is their problem. At least people know what they are getting when it comes to me......they figure it out 100% within the first 2 minutes. There is no bull****, there are no lies, no games, nothing but upfront honesty and if that hurts people's feelings, or they get offended, or triggered, well it's not like you didn't know going into it cause i am the way i am and i will not change to satisfy a society that has lost its way.....and let's be honest here, if you've been around on this planet for any length of time, you've seen that society has lost its way and it's getting worse by the day. Hope that clears it up for you.
  18. Condemn the actions of all whites over the actions of a few..........i don't like where society has taken us and therefore choose to no longer participate in this thread as i am old school and do not think like the common man of today. Now is probably a good time for me to get back to work.
  19. How was it more offensive than a Billdo being thrown on the field?!?
  20. I'm covered it tats and I've actually got a Bills tattoo from the late 80's.......the red football helmet, so that tells you how long ago it was. If the Bills won a SB, i'd go all in and get a massive back tat for the event......something Bills related for sure
  21. What if the next time, someone just depicts hanging a white guy?.......does that ease all your tensions a bit?
  22. But how would Rodgers handle Rex in the locker room?.......i can't see this ending well for Rex, so i don't think he would even put himself in that position IMO.
  23. I definitely picked the right day to slack off work and hang around the boards today.........this is all a win in my books.
  24. People are getting "triggered" in here (whatever the hell that means).
  25. Yep, that's what its all aboot
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