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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. I was on the bandwagon to get rid of him and start over at HC, but i'm kind of letting up on my opinion as of late. I want to see how our post season goes before i start calling for his head again.
  2. My old Ford F150 had 650,000 kms on it, it was close to 15 years old and i didn't spend one dime on it........once the tranny blew, i called the junk dealer in town and gave her a proper send off. My Dodge has 275,000 kms on it, it's 10 years old and i haven't stopped sinking money into it.........first and last Dodge that i will ever buy. They just don't make car/trucks the way they use to. I was going to comment on your tranny response, however, due to me trying to stay on my best behavior these days, i'm staying far, far away from it...........(insert joke here)
  3. It's a Dodge......not a lot of happy times going on there.
  4. It's going to be a sad, sad day when i get rid of the ole mighty Dodge........i can't bear to even think of it.
  5. So, i took the old girl to the shop to get it looked at (she's running real rough these days) and my mechanic says we gotta make a choice cause this old truck ain't got much life left in her. The 4-wheel drive ain't working, the dash is lit up like a Christmas tree, the oil pan is dripping, the alignment is way off, zero brakes, serpentine belt is split, tranny is acting up, etc. I told him to just do whatever he can to make it road worthy for the winter and i'll deal with it in the spring........maybe looking at getting something else. I haven't been car/truck shopping in about 10 years, so i don't even know what i'm looking at anymore.
  6. In the 70's, the whole rage was the Boney M Christmas record with all that funky disco yule tide cheer going on, but when my wife and i bought our first house in the late 80's, we bought the Nat King Cole Christmas CD and surprisingly we still bring it out once in a while when we have family at the house for the holidays........it is just some good, honest, laidback, mellow melodies that warms the soul.
  7. Have you not been paying attention?!?...........refs would never allow it.
  8. As a Canadian, i'm just going to say that it doesn't even make sense. A hotel room?........any true Canuck would take them to a back alley, so this all kind of seems made up to me.
  9. Oh man, this is coming up ripe for a "Collinsworth comments.........love em or hate em" thread.
  10. I'm sorry, but when i hear about a kid being thrown down the stairs, this is what comes to mind. I'm leaning towards more of an accidental bump.
  11. I'm sure the FO will step up and do something.......it's all about liability after all and it did happen at the stadium, so they'll do everything they can to correct it ASAP to avoid litigation of any kind.
  12. Hamlin?........i'm going to be the first one to say it, that no one and i mean no one, saw that coming. I guess their basis of standards has hit an all-time low. Good on the man, but like, come on now.....
  13. As a proud lifelong Bills Mafia member, this is the first i've heard of this and if it were true, i would have heard it from one source or other. Now, i'm not saying it's not true (it is possible), however, given the reliability of the source (and seeing as how that "reliable" source is the only place i've seen this news) i would tend to lean towards AB perhaps maybe having another breakdown and maybe just not seeing things clearly. I can't imagine some fan just picking up this cancer survivor little girl and tossing her down the stairs. Barbarians........you're all friggin barbarians.
  14. .........sometimes you just gotta know when to let it all go.
  15. If we can go into the post season with a healthy roster, ain't no one's stopping us.
  16. I, as anybody was shocked that Michigan pulled it off. Ohio state had their chances, but the Wolverines played the way they wanted and kept it close till the end and by that point, any FG was going to take it.
  17. I sat on the wrong side of my couch, seriously........i usually sit on the same side, but last night my dog took that spot so i just let her have it and i sat on the opposite side. Nothing earth shattering going on here......
  18. I love seeing the media doing their backpedaling about how at the beginning of the season the Bills were a hot mess, they were decimated with departures and in a rebuilding year and probably sitting in the bottom of the AFCEast........shocking the media (but not many Bills fans), as they are back on the hype train that this is the Bills year. The media are dolts.
  19. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................(rolls eyes)
  20. You can see the whole team has the "it" factor.......they are rolling along and ready to take on all comers.
  21. By that point, the look on the Niners faces was they just wanted to get the hell out of there.
  22. Well, we had a water leak in our ceiling at about 1am last night, so me and my wife were cleaning up the mess and arguing about what the problem was cause there were no obvious signs, but that water was pouring and raining down into our basement like you wouldn't believe. So, after some investigation this morning, it seems that some condensation from our air exchanger (which i took out last summer, but the outside venting is still run to open air) is to blame. I'm still screwing around with cleaning up the water and trying to fix everything so i'll be all set to go for 8pm tonight. Stay tuned.
  23. I'm more of a Wilfred Laurier Golden Hawks sort of guy........grew up right down the street from the University.
  24. Jesus Christ, KC got bailed out by the refs again!!!.........how is any fan supposed to take this joke of a league seriously?
  25. Andy Reid looks like the type of guy that wiggles his fingers in front of a box of donuts and says, ".......don't mind if i do"
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