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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. A professor of mine ended up in the hospital with kidney cancer, so we got a temporary replacement. The problem was that she ended just about every phrase and every sentence with "ish". And here's an example........."the peopleish are walking up the mountainish, leftish, rightish up the mountainish" My god, it was so annoying and one by one, we got kicked out for trying to answer her questions the same way.
  2. I don't care who we get round 1.........if we can't beat whoever in round 1 with the 2nd seed, then we don't deserve round 2. Simple as that
  3. My wife's family always plays "secret Santa" every year and every year, i end up with the worst present........in fact, people go out of their way to get ****** gifts for it so i end up with it. It's like they are thinking, "what is the worst possible present i can get that ole Sweats will end up with?!?" 1) this year i got a hotplate 2) last year was a pack of rechargeable batteries (i don't even own the charger for them) 3) the year before that was a $10 frying pan (melted the first time i used it) 4) year before that was DIY brownie kit (that was missing the brownies, for God sakes) 5) blah, blah, blah Bah Humbug
  4. ASU is not my favorite team; however, they played one hell of a game and i thought for sure they deserved to win it. Apparently, ASU has found something in the Regs. that say it can. I don't care either way, so........
  5. I don't have the link, but Arizona State is contesting the final FG by them against Texas in regulation time.......although the FG was blocked, it actually hit the ground and bounced through the uprights, which is a legal kick for 3 points. This one play would have changed the outcome for continuing into OT and Arizona State would have actually won the game. ...........we all know nothing will happen over this and it's a shame.
  6. Bring in more white guys. Whoa, whoa......hear me out. The more diverse the players, the more diverse and expanse the fanbase. I'm not making this up, so put away your torches and pitchforks. Look at hockey. It is primarily a white players game, so the fanbase is predominantly white. I think if the NBA could broaden its fanbase, then it's a win/win for everybody.
  7. I've still got an electric range.......it's like rubbing 2 sticks together. Pathetic.
  8. Jesus.......happy new year?
  9. Best bowl game i've seen so far this year is SC vs. Illinois. This game had everything......it was back and forth, it came down to the wire, the coaches were taunting each other and yelling obscenities, etc. Best bowl game of the season by far.
  10. So, this just happened at Christmas.........my brother-in-law's mother just re-gifted my wife and i a hot plate. A friggin hotplate, for christs sakes.......and the reason i knew it was re=gifted is cause it was obvious that it was previously used. 1) it sounds like something ole Sweats would have done 2) what the hell am i going to do with a hotplate?
  11. Except for those pesky Canadians........they lobbed cans of food into the German trenches at Christmas and when the Krauts came out of their bunkers to get them, they then started lobbing grenades. On a side note, when the Germans came out of the trenches waving white flags on Christmas day to spread some good will and cheer, the Canadians then spread them with gunfire. Oh, those pesky Canadians.
  12. Same system Brady incorporated at LSU.........hit the WR's in stride and bank on YAC, but at the end of the day, you need receivers that you can rely on for that YAC if you want to hang your hat on this as your bread and butter. Diggs was not a YAC guy; he was a set and dump.......not the best WR type or style to utilize in Bradys system.
  13. Larry in my office (our office Ravens fan) is not happy about this.......not one bit. I'm willing to go out on a limb here and say we got ourselves a pretty good player right there.........i'm referring to JA, not Larry in my office.
  14. I will need you to provide a flow chart and a pie graph for me to fully understand this.
  15. I detest KC, Miami, Jets even more than the Pats of yesteryear..........their fanbases are just way too delusional
  16. .........you're a brave man
  17. I'm pretty sure it's just Mahomes playing it up so Nick Wright and Collinsworth can blow their wads at how great and fantastic he is to make it back onto the playing field after such a devastating and horrific injury. It's the same hot garbage from Mahomes every year..........wash, rinse, repeat.
  18. Honestly, i wouldn't want to be anywhere near the bottom of those piles...........i'm delicate and i used to be a good-looking guy at one point, so i'm sure they would have been passing me around like candy down there.
  19. You must be new..........you'll learn
  20. .............a man can dream, can't he?!?
  21. Somebody "giving him the business down there" type of thing......
  22. Are you calling me a Korean chick?!?.......
  23. If the thread was called "who has been a small monster", then i'm sure he would be leading the polls, so.........
  24. I think he's a bona fide nut.
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