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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. The water could be coming from one of five areas....... 1) the toilet flange (not sealed properly between the gasket and toilet flange) 2) the gasket between the tank and the bowl isnt seated properly 3) the overflow tube inside the tank...........if the overflow tube in the tank is not seated properly, water will splash against the back of the inside of the tank and make its way down the back of the tank and before you know it, there's water on yer floor. 4) a hair line crack (yep, i just said crack in a plumbing question) in either the tank or the bowl 5) the kid is pissing all over the floor Once you figure out which one is the problem, then you'll have it licked. That'll be $50 please.
  2. When healthy..............that's exactly my point, bro. The OP...........he's feisty today.
  3. No, just the worst about poor drafting decisions and questionable talent.
  4. "Watkins is hurt" is all i needed to read.
  5. The Jags are certainly this years up-and-comers. If they only had a QB, they's go places.............wonder when i've said that before.
  6. Watkins is hurt?...............no surprise here. Jesus Christ, can we just get rid of this guy already.
  7. I always sleep bare-assed, buck naked............i find clothes of any type when i'm sleeping wayyyyyyyyyy too restrictive. I kind of like to just throw my junk out there and sleep at will. On the other hand, i don't mind anyone seeing what i bring to the party every weekend...................you dig?
  8. Shameful...............just shameful.
  9. Am i the only on in North America who thinks the Juice is innocent...........of everything.
  10. It sounds made up that i work with a bunch of douche-nozzles?...............you have no idea what i have to deal with at work every day, bro.
  11. I get mad at work all the time...........like, i'm talking screaming, throwing things at the wall mad. I work with a bunch of douche-nozzles. End of story.
  12. I don't know why anyone would really even care what the guy thinks...........he's not that good, he can't run a route to save his life and gets torched constantly. He's a douche-nozzle, with limited skills.
  13. For me, it has to be Pulp Fiction.
  14. Aw, every year the fans are complaining about how tough the schedule is. I think its just an involuntary reflex to prepare ourselves for another dismal season, honestly...........its easier to blame the strength of the schedule for our seasonally demise, than to place it where it belongs.
  15. ........and when's the next time he's going to get hurt.
  16. Words of wisdom....... Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative at the same time.
  17. Oh, Mr. Glass wants more cash, does he?............well good luck with that.
  18. My estate backs onto a major river and i'm fishing almost every day.........i can't think of a better way to spend the day.
  19. His death should be made into a stat holiday. Best Batman..........ever. RIP Mr. West
  20. Oh my............so much material here for me to work with and so little interest on my part to even jump on it. A half decently run franchise would have made it to the playoffs even just once over the past 17 years. And so, my work is finished here. Move along..........nothing to see here.
  21. I think the correct answer here is London Fletcher. Done deal.
  22. Piss all over the cats stuff.............that'll show em.
  23. How can you say that Lawson and Ragland were added this year?..............they've always been here, albeit, doing NOTHING and yet another fine example of the Rex and Whaley duo, but they weren't really added to the line-up since they were a part of the team anyways. Move along...........nothing to see here.
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