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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. I feel bad for the season ticket holders............it's going to be a long, longggggggggg season this year.
  2. Actually, the only NFL team i've ever followed has been the Bills............never missed a single game in 35 years. But college ball is another matter. I'll watch any team, any time.
  3. Are we talking about Aunt Flo?...........cause i hate when she drops in one week out of every month, boy.
  4. Can you really blame Boldin?...........the guy wants a ring and he certainly ain't getting one in Buffalo any time soon. Release the man!!!!!
  5. Special Teams was probably his best option at securing a roster spot.
  6. I like what i've seen from Peterman thus far, but he's just not ready to lead this team at this point. If TT goes down during the season, then yeah, throw the kid in for some licks.
  7. So.......they cut Williams, but kept Barnyard? Interesting. Interesting indeed.
  8. I just can't seem to get behind a guy named Barnyard..........call me old fashioned, but.......
  9. I thought Williams looked pretty good in pre-season this year........i know that's not saying much. He's definitely not a premiered feature back, but he does have some redeeming qualities.
  10. Powder?...........like gun powder?............talcum powder?...........toe fungus powder? I need to know. The suspense is killing me, bro.
  11. Is that when Brady is set to retire?
  12. No, he's related to Big Steaming...........
  13. The FO seems to have a plan............i have no idea what that plan is and neither do any of the fans, but i trust that they somewhat know what they're doing and are gearing all of their energy and resources to making their plan work.
  14. And this somehow disappoints you?
  15. Because teams panic when it comes to QB's.........once upon a time, our FO signed Fitzy to the worst deal ever after only 5 games. Teams seem to get stupid when the QB position is involved.
  16. I thought the alternate ending consisted of the Titanic NOT hitting the iceberg, everyone lives and leads a normal healthy life.
  17. Oh, this thread is spectacular. I'm pretty sure Osweiler will be going down the same path as Johnny Football, Tebow, etc.
  18. You see...........now these teams know how to make a trade. The Bills?..........not so much.
  19. You pretty much know you're a bad QB when the Browns let you go...................Yikes!!!
  20. Hill Street Blues..............end thread.
  21. It's a conspiracy............a conspiracy, i tells ya.
  22. The Bills do a good job of that all on their own.
  23. Has the FO asked for fan suggestions yet?
  24. You know you've pretty much hit bottom when you can't even make it in the CFL.............man, they'll pick up anyone's garbage.
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