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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. My answer was Egypt.................i was wayyyyyyyyyyyyy off.
  2. I honestly feel bad for both QB's on this one...........either way, one of them will lose and will look like a chump that can't get over the hump in the divisional round. They will both be looked at as good, but just not good enough. That's your narrative right there.
  3. The only correct answer here is Pancho Billa (god rest his soul)..........that guy lived and breathed and bled Buffalo Bills.
  4. Alright, so not to nit pick, but i have a few concerns with your numbers here..... JA and LJ should both be sitting at 40 for QB. Their numbers are comparable, and both are the elite of the league right now. There's no way Stafford should be at 25 and Hurts at 30.......if anything, i would have them about equal or completely switched numbers altogether and considering Goff is at 31 and higher than both Stafford AND Hurts, when Goff is being made by his supporting cast is questionable..........Jesus, you've even got JD higher than Stafford. I don't know, man.........i really don't know.
  5. You son of a *****.........however, you're not wrong
  6. Wrong........they need to interview 2 candidates to satisfy the Rooney Rule before they choose elsewhere.
  7. In all honesty, if that lame duck throw was thrown by any other QB in the league and it caused his player to get concussed, you guys would all be saying how terrible that QB was for putting his guy in harm's way. Hey, i love JA, but i call it as i see it, fellas.
  8. Bills - 27 Ravens - 24 Even though i have the points close, the game will never really show it........the Bills will hammer the Ravens into submission in the 4th quarter.
  9. Jesus, from all the reactions, you'd think it was ole Sweats that threw the lame duck that laid Ray out.
  10. Porn........it solves all the world's problems.
  11. .........i'm just here for the show
  12. I would like to see us get rid of that Albatross of a contract with Von and look at an "in their prime" quality edge rusher or massive DT.........you know, guys that can disrupt and create chaos at the line.
  13. ............this is secretly about me, isn't it?
  14. "Sign in the prove you are not a bot most everyone I click on link" .............Jesus buddy, Duolingo has not been kind to you.
  15. ............my ears are burning
  16. Watch some YouTube, guy.........every game you could ever imagine is on there. And if that ain't doing it for ya, turn to porn. Problem solved.
  17. I like to post this info to members of these boards with 48 posts..........today, is your lucky day.
  18. ..............oh, i roll every way, buddy
  19. Honestly, i'm just happy we're not playing in Toronto anymore.........what a piss-poor, failed experiment that was.
  20. I don't play the woulda, coulda, shoulda game unless it involves some high stakes..........so if you're up for that, i got some time to play some hide the baloney all afternoon. You dig?
  21. .............oh, i can definitely relate to that one.
  22. You must be new............i guess you don't know that it's ole Sweats as the naysayer, doom and gloom, poo pooer round these parts. Move along now
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