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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. "That was one hell of a throw and one hell of a catch" - ref ..........yeah, but unfortunately for Bills fans, it was on the wrong team.
  2. Gross...........fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.
  3. You know what bonus i get?..............i get to keep my worthless job!!!!! My employer thinks thats the best compliment. I get to hear things like......... "Well, you got a job, don't you?".........or.........."You did a good job this year. I think i'll let you keep your job and keep you around for awhile, but when you're worthless to me, well, it'll be time to kick some stones, son"..........or.........."Come on now, don't rock the boat......if you want a bonus or a raise, then i have to give one to everybody". Pathetic
  4. You see, none of these aforementioned coaches were good enough for the Bills, but they seem to be just fine with other quality organisations. Maybe, just maybe, the problem might be with this franchise? .
  5. Mayfield will be taken in the 1st round, just from hype alone..........and i pity the poor team that gets him.
  6. Even if the Browns pass on Rosen, there's like 12 other teams ready to grab him...........and i hope we're one of them.
  7. I'm telling ya, that 3 game slaughter-fest we endured, is going to come back to haunt us............good teams just don't lose 3 in a row, especially like that and at what point during that massacre, did we even remotely look like a team that could even potentially contend in a playoff game.
  8. I kind of like where you were starting with this thread, but then you kind of went off in some random directions and i lost interest..............sorry.
  9. I don't know..........Arian's not in the best of health these days and this franchise would give him a coronary for sure.
  10. I tend to drink all day, tell the family exactly what i think of them and then never have to deal with them for a whole another year..........good times.
  11. You know what i've learned?...........our HC and GM are learning as they go. Isn't that exactly what we're looking for from a professional franchise when determining player management? Aye Carumba
  12. And?...........the game is over, we lost, the Pats won and tomorrow is just another day. Does it really matter at this point if it was a catch or not? Really?..........its Christmas, for Christs sakes and we're patting ourselves on the back because we have irrefutable proof that it "could" have been a catch, it "may" have been a catch and it was "probably" a catch. Wow...........enjoy your holidays, boys.
  13. All i ask, is just give me a QB that doesn't dump it off on every play, doesn't scramble for a 15 yard loss and a QB that can throw the ball up and let his receivers make a play...........is that too much to ask for?
  14. No?...........they didn't lose? Did i not get the memo?
  15. Why, oh why, did McD ever let Barnyard go?
  16. He makes decisions on a "as you learn" process.........he's making it up as he goes. You know, cause he's learning as he goes. Isn't this exactly what you look for in a HC of a professional franchise?
  17. Hey, our HC just HAD TO HAVE HIM cause he's a difference-maker, he's a baller, he's our best option to relieve Shady..............you know, cause he needed to make roster room and get rid of guys like Barnyard. I really question if this regime can actually evaluate talent.
  18. I'll do you one better, son............when TT actually put the team in the -25 yards from scrimmage to begin with. TT was friggin disgraceful today. Yeah, he had a couple of good plays, but when the game was wide open for us to finally take control in the 2nd half, he let them team down (yet again) by trying to be fancy in the backfield instead of just throwing the ball away. TT has to go.
  19. The worst play of the game was not putting the ball in Shadys hands each and every play, on every single down.
  20. At the end of the day, we lost...........we lost whether the play was made on 4th down or not. We lost.
  21. Yeah, we all get to look forward to a 7-9 season.........and thats being generous.
  22. She, is just not junk worthy..............sorry.
  23. Now, I don't want to sound like some kind of prick, but is this girl at least good looking?
  24. From what I've seen, 96 yards and a TD is a career day for TT..........give the man his due.
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