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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. What exactly could we get for an aging RB when this draft is deep with guys that can pound the rock? As the great Lombardi once said.....pound the piss outta the RB’s and then put them out to pasture when they got nothing left (I’m paraphrasing here)
  2. I think it’s going to be 3 guys that no one ever expected.
  3. We’re going to ruin the poor guy, no matter whoever we bring in. EJ, Losman, Capt. Checkdown come to mind.
  4. Call me old school, but I like the season opener being against an East rival.
  5. Aye Carumba Where do I begin?
  6. We get Larry and Moe and we’re all set.
  7. This thread is headed in a dark place.
  8. What the hells going on with the Leafs? It looks like the Bruins are going to walk away with the division this year and possibly the cup.
  9. I think Darnold is a melt down waiting to happen.
  10. You can never have enough Clay’s on the roster.
  11. Good stuff going on here. Aye Carumba
  12. If they cant even pass the tryouts, then I don’t want them on the roster anyways. Good day to you, sir.
  13. I've always collected Marvel super hero comics. I have very little DC in my collection..........just not a big DC fan. And i went through a phase where i collected sets, then started into only collecting #1 issues and then onto older, rarer comics. I've built up a huge sum of old, scarce and rare comics along the way. True story..........years ago, my apt. at the time flooded out and the only thing that was untouched was my comics (i keep them in the rectangular comic boxes, all sleeved in plastic bags with the backer boards). I couldn't believe they were unharmed........i didn't have insurance on them at that time and Christ, was i relieved. My insurance company got them appraised........ the estimated sum, put the value at priceless. I then took the comics to my own appraiser for an estimated value and the 2 separate estimates were within a few dollars of each other ( i wanted to make sure that the insurance company wasn't short-changing me on the value). I was relieved that what both parties were saying put the estimated value at close to accurate. It's very time consuming to get a collection appraised or valued and you not only need a lot of patience, you do need some cash cause it ain't cheap, but nowadays, you need the grading system more than ever........M, VF, F, etc. It's funny how a hobby and pastime when i was a kid turned out to be worth a fortune as years went by. I don't really collect too many comics these days (i just don't have the time) but i am always on the lookout for anything that catches my eye.
  14. And dont forget the great Losman/Capt. Check-down debate.
  15. I collect comics......I have my whole life. Ive got somewhere around 10,000 of them and they are priceless. My insurance company put a separate insurance on them just in case..... If I ever decided to cash them in my family will be set for life.
  16. Yeah, I’m just going to go ahead and say that Bear Bryant was the greatest of all time.
  17. April Fools and Easter on the same day.,....get the kids to hunt for eggs that you never hid. That’ll keep the little buggers outta yer hair for hours.
  18. Oh, some good stuff going on here.
  19. You guys are going to be awfully disappointed when we don’t move from the #12 spot. I just don’t the we’re going to make a play for a higher spot
  20. Lynn is a fan of anything 2nd rate
  21. Ah yes, give me the old days of spearing the helpless kickers.
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