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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. And we gave away all of our 2nd round picks.........which is incidentally the deepest 2nd round talent that the draft has seen in years.
  2. Yep, spot on there, cracker jack. Never once did i say he didnt know football..........i said he MAY or MAY NOT understand NFL football at this level at this point. Some guys figure it out and some don't. For some rookie QB's, the game is too complicated and too fast and they can never quite get a handle on whats going.......hopefully Allen can put it all together and make a career out of it.
  3. Its hard to say, but the guy our FO wanted was still in play, so i can't be too pissed off that they took a chance to climb the board and grab him.
  4. Yep, the FO hitched their wagons to a project QB in the first round that may or may not be able to understand NFL football. Just let that sink in.
  5. To get back to the original topic, i refuse to believe that our FO didn't know about the tweets. That is all.......carry on.
  6. So...........you'd have no problem if your son said somewhat arguably racist remarks all over social media? You'd be ok with that?
  7. They didn't know that Allen was a racist? I find that hard to believe in this day and age with all of the technology right at everyone's fingertips that they didnt do their due diligence and plead ignorance that they didnt know that Allen made those tweets..........or are the rest of Bills nation either just that stupid or just that gullible.
  8. Maybe they got caught up in all the hype............every year, some team falls for the false hope and hype.
  9. They just want to make sure the rest of the country sees how badly we screw up our picks. I'm only joking...........or am i????
  10. I neither like the pick nor hate it...........i'm a little concerned about taking a project QB in the top 10 though. Sure the kid has all the tangibles that NFL franchises look for, however the same was said about EJ.
  11. Yeah, i'm going to rally behind Allen, AJ and Peterman...........just let that sink in, bro. Aye Carumba
  12. Jesus Christ.......you never pick a project QB in the first round, no less in the top 10. We've got Peterman, AJ and now Allen as our QB's. Yeah, just let that sink in.
  13. Where the hell did Reeds hairline go?
  14. I put zero stock into anything Maycock says and even less for Kiper.
  15. And the Leafs blew it again. They should start looking at shoring up their defense......horrendous comes to mind at that fiasco last night.
  16. Poor Andre never gets the credit he deserves
  17. It sounds like a cheesy love song......pass
  18. Why would they waste time on a QB the don’t want........it makes sense
  19. Maybe Trump should just concentrate on running the country
  20. I think we can all agree that taking a project QB in the first round is a very, very bad idea.
  21. Happy at least the Leafs made a series of it. Anything can happen in game 7.....it’s anybodys series at this point.
  22. We’re still having a draft?......I thought you guys all figured out who were taking anyways.
  23. Why don’t we just pull a “Ditka” while we’re at it. I mean, like who in the hell needs all those damn picks anyways.
  24. They should chain the guy up on a street corner on Jane and Finch....it won’t take long before those boys enact a little street justice.
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