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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. Allen and Geno Smith
  2. Thanks for playing, Chief, but once again you've completely missed the mark. That is all........carry on
  3. Oh, i'm not upset there, crackerjack..........i was just throwing out a few items and since it means nothing to you, well thanks for the response.
  4. He has everything you want in a QB, is what was exactly said about Losman, Capt. Checkdown and EJ...........anyone see a disturbing trend here?
  5. Um yeah.........no. Watson has proven himself as a star in this league, after only one season mind you.
  6. It looks like mass confusion after the pick was announced...........nobody knows whether to cheer or grab their torches and pitchforks. LOL
  7. Solid thread.........i reserve the right for future judgement of this regime. I like what i've seen so far, however i'm still not sure of their"process" when it comes to who they draft and why.
  8. I'll say this for the new regime, they are certainly making things exciting and when it comes to ever trying to figure out their next move, all bets are off.
  9. I am not actually for or against the pick. I'm just saying that i hope Beane knows what the hell he's doing.
  10. Boston wasn’t the better team. They were both scarily evenly matched If the Leafs knew anything about defense, they’d have won the game....pure and simple, my friend
  11. We have plenty of capital from later round 3 and on.........and don't forget about next years picks too. We have capital up the ying yang.
  12. Ah Jesus, they said the same thing about EJ...........a big Ben prototype.
  13. It was sarcasm, son. If you read the whole post, you'll see that the main point was that the FO saying they didn't know about the tweets is complete malarkey.
  14. I have a feeling that if the guy they want is available in the 2nd, Beane will pull the trigger. In a draft with the talent so deep in the 2nd round, you can't make the moves you did in the first round, neglect the 2nd and hope to pick up some scraps in the 3rd.
  15. I'm just saying that no one projected the move from #22 to #16,, so is there anything else up Beanes sleeve for the 2nd round?.............stay tuned.
  16. I'd give Allen at least one more quarter than Peterman ever got............so, 3 quarters.
  17. Oh, i’m as stupid as they come.
  18. Simple question.....any chance we trade back into the 2nd and pick up some more potential starters. There is a lot of talent left on the board and arguably this years 2nd round is stacked deep with guys that could potentially help this team along. Or is Bean gambling on picking up what’s available for leftovers in the 3rd. Discuss
  19. And we gave away all of our 2nd round picks.........which is incidentally the deepest 2nd round talent that the draft has seen in years.
  20. Yep, spot on there, cracker jack. Never once did i say he didnt know football..........i said he MAY or MAY NOT understand NFL football at this level at this point. Some guys figure it out and some don't. For some rookie QB's, the game is too complicated and too fast and they can never quite get a handle on whats going.......hopefully Allen can put it all together and make a career out of it.
  21. Its hard to say, but the guy our FO wanted was still in play, so i can't be too pissed off that they took a chance to climb the board and grab him.
  22. Yep, the FO hitched their wagons to a project QB in the first round that may or may not be able to understand NFL football. Just let that sink in.
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