I don’t blame the Steelers FO for doing their due diligence and bringing in a raw QB.
Is Rothey THAT insecure to think Rudolph is going to unseat him!
He’s a douche-nozzle, pure and simple.
I have spoken!!!
I don’t wanna hear any of this......I’m ready to burn the guy at the stake.
Come on, fellas......who’s with me!!!!
Grab yer torches and meet at Joesixpacks place in 2 hours.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m happy the used car salesman is finally ousted.
Try wheeling and dealin yer way outta this one, Russ.
its a good day.
......can’t say I’m surprised.
Anyone who has any sympathy for this piece of shite, just remember when he used to call all of us “bad fans” cause we didn’t always go to the December games when the were clearly out of playoff contention, it was sometimes bitterly cold and we had real bad teams on the field.
Bad fans?......who’s looking like the bad one now, Russ?
When the franchise has ignored the QB position for as long as we have, you can forgive the fan base for being skeptical when the FO says “we found our guy”.
On the plus side, I think we’ve found our rough gem in Allen.....just a little polishing here and there and we’re good to go.
You can only remember 1-2 games where our D let us down?.........you must have forgotten the 3 game stretch where we were blown out by somewhere around 120 points.
Oh you poor, poor man.......these boards are no place for any rational thoughts.
Now, if you want to get into misinformation, conjecture, falsehoods, irrational speculation, etc. then welcome aboard......and leave all this common sense at the door.