We’ve got a long rich history of ruining QB’s.......in fact, you could stack their failures like cord wood, however, if the FO is serious about our rookie being our franchise QB of the future, then fix the friggin o-line.
Exactly......and guys are trying to push the plays a little more to ensure a roster spot.
Players getting hurt in meaningless preseason games is just ridiculous.
Tom looks like an out of shape douche nozzle and his wife has the body shape of a 9 iron.
Good looking couple right there..............................rolls eyes
I almost forgot the 3 game slide where we were out scored nearly 110-40.......and yet even with that miserable showing, we still made the post season.
Yeah, I’m as shocked as anyone over that.
Well, there’s a good life lesson for everyone right there......sometimes you slide down the shite and sometimes the shite slides down you.
2 kinds of people In this world.......the ones who make the mess down the slide and the ones who slide through it.
Yer kid is setting themselves up perfectly in life for when he hits the corporate world.....just shite on everyone from the top on down and let someone else clean up the mess.