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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. We’re going after Carolina’s garbage faster than a calf to the teet at feeding time. Wow.......just wow.
  2. I don’t know the correct terminology but fire makes it good
  3. .....fire everybody
  4. 31......no surprise here and even that’s too high
  5. My opinion on last week was that we capitalized on Cousins incompetence and inability to hold onto the ball. Also, Allen basically put the team on his shoulders to make some plays.....this week, GB shut him down and sputtered the whole offense.
  6. Yesterday was glaringly obvious that our HS type offense couldn’t keep up with a professional caliber NFL team. Its embarrassing
  7. The Bills are fantastic at ruining QB’s
  8. Is Dunkin the new hipster term for tea-bagging now?
  9. Disciplne?......they gave up some pretty stupid penalties, bro.
  10. What we need is something comparable to the 85 Bears D.....now that is truly something to strive for.
  11. 17 games?........I don’t remember the Bears making the post season
  12. Sink or swim, man......that’s the way you learn
  13. He’s guilty.......I mean he’s gotta be guilty of something
  14. Head cases........every one of them.
  15. Between the dismal play of the team, the atrocious play calling and the referees absolute giving the game away with bad calls, the announcers were the last thing I was worried about.
  16. Fitz always looks like he’s trying to heave a 12 pound salami down the field.
  17. Wyatt Teller?...........we may as well start Penn and Teller, for christs sakes.
  18. They can be a challenge if you’ve never cooked them before.......over cook them and they’re a sloppy soggy mess........undercook them and they’re bitter. Do some trial and error on them for your first couple of times, but once you finally get it, they’re excellent.
  19. Montana Brady Unitas Marino Manning .......and that should be the end of the debate
  20. Shootout in Candlestick.........nothing more needs to be said here.
  21. Only 45 points?.........that’s a pretty good day.
  22. Reid Ferguson?.........we might as well bring in Turd Ferguson.
  23. Unfortunately, Keenan Allen’s going to get the most catches today.
  24. Shady up the guy, which no one would ever suspect....................rolls eyes
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