The lime is supposed to be rubbed around the rim of the bottle to ward off any bacteria, so says my Mexican buddy who has used the trick countless times in sub par Mexican bars, however, people in North America dump their lime into their beer like they know what they’re doing..........they don’t.
I honestly wasn’t too keen on Devin when we picked him but I’ve been checking out his college game play tapes and I’m actually pretty impressed.....the kid has moves and great vision.
Im fairly excited about watching this kid play
Ok....Beane’s a genius cause he didn’t do anything and the pick still fell in his lap?!?!?
You know that when you do nothing and still have exactly what you wanted just fall in your lap isn’t called’s called luck.
We used to sit around the bar on Sunday afternoons betting on the games. I lost a lot of money on the Bills in the 80’s, but man when the Bills hit the he 90’s, I made a killing.........until the Super-bowls and then I lost my shirt again.
Aye Carumba
You wash them?........I always found that it’s the crud, filth, beer, swill, Cheetos, urine, garbage, snot, feces on ones Zubazs that brings us all together as fans.
Who knew?!?!?!?!?