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  1. Thanks for this, brother.
  2. My snoring and constantly tossing and turning at night (broke my back and neck years ago and i'm in constant pain and can never get comfortable) had my wife saying enough cause it disrupted her sleep at night, so i usually sleep in the spare room.........you know, the one with the piss-stained mattress. So, you guys wonder why i come on here in a bad mood sometimes, well let's summarize here....... * Constant pain and can't get comfortable no matter what.........(check) * A wife that kicks me when i do manage to fall asleep because of my snoring........(check) * A constant fear of a wife that may or not may contribute to my death 5-6 times a night because i stop breathing, which may or may not include a pillow.........(check) * Sleeping on a piss-stained mattress.........(check) Sometimes, the reality of dying in my sleep is actually comforting to me.
  3. I love finishing the season with a divisional opponent, especially the Fins who may or may not have post season aspirations on the line. I love crushing their spirits, their will, their self-worth, their hopes, their ambitions, etc.
  4. I tried to decipher this, man.......i really tried, but it's actually hurting my eyes. Sorry, not sorry.
  5. He probably hurt himself on the way out to the parking lot..........not a fan of this.
  6. He is arguably the face of that franchise, so it doesn't surprise me that they locked him up.
  7. My wife tells me that i usually die in my sleep about 5-6 times a night.........i just stop breathing but eventually come back. No mention if there's a pillow involved with these so-called deaths. Hmmmmmmm
  8. How would she feel if i wore low cut shirts, flesh hanging out everywhere, bouncing all over the place, wearing belly shirts and low-rise jeans?!? So, let me paint the picture here.........i'm old, have a beer belly and a plumber's butt going on with my pants on a good day, so it's not a pretty sight and in fact, i'm disgusting.
  9. You really want to see me in a lawsuit, don't you?!?
  10. If that's the case, i don't even go near that aisle........i run far and fast.
  11. Here is an update and major development to the original "construction site" thread...... The 25-year-old Project Coordinator girl is back on our project. I saw the whole original situation from her side......now, i see it from the worker's side. I'm not going to lie........she's a good-looking girl; however, she is walking around the office and site wearing shirts that are cut real low, with things bouncing around, flesh exposed and things falling out of her shirt (I'll let you figure out what i mean by "things").......really low cut jeans, belly shirts, etc. It is so totally inappropriate and i need to get her off my site as quickly as possible, but no one is sure how to approach the situation without implying bias, discrimination, harassment, etc. She's got HR lawsuit written all over her. I need your suggestions here, fellas.
  12. I don't think i could ever eat anything called Transit Logs. It kind of reminds me of...........never mind.
  13. That's okay.......you'll find a friend somewhere. ..........(drops mic)
  14. Even a book detailing his first season with the Jets..........comes out waving the flag, 5 plays in and he's out for the season. Epic
  15. Back in the day, we had our local watering hole called "Shooters" and on Sundays, they would have $1 beers and 10 cent wings. We would honestly be in that place for a solid 10 hours watching football on the big screens, pounding beers and devouring at least 600 wings between the 6 of us. The place eventually went out of business (i wonder why) and that bar is still the barometer (see what i did there?) for every other establishment i've ever been in throughout my entire life.
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