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Everything posted by leonbus23

  1. I agree with you. It just appears that spending money is not part of the plan.
  2. They do not need to sign any expensive players. They will have a ton of high talent rookie contracts. Trading Watkins implies that they're not spending money.
  3. Sure. I would not mind if the Bills made these trades. If they did not trade Watkins, I would disagree. But since they moved our second best offensive player, why not? Also, it seems that a major part of stock piling drafts picks is to get a franchise quarterback. Peterman was a 5th rounder, not a early first rounder. Let him play and see what happens. It probably won't be very pretty. But then we get a better draft position. Again, since we traded Watkins, the OP's suggestion is not all that far-fetched.
  4. 104 documented cases in 2015. https://mappingpoliceviolence.org/unarmed/ Response: "fake news" / "liberal media propaganda".
  5. Seriously though: http://profootballspot.com/buffalo-has-history-of-tolerance/
  6. The defensive holding and pass interference penalties are the most disturbing aspect of this research. But as the previous poster notes, we should compare teams, etc. Do you get you data from prof football reference? Any advice on how to do this efficiently? I will put together the Bills data and we can compare.
  7. I know. And even if we do get a player like Sammy in the draft, we will be confronted with the same question of whether to pay him at some point.
  8. That's what makes this trade so confusing. At face value, it was an awful decision. But if any or all of those variables you propose are true, it would be great to know. Without that data, this is a terrible decision because most of those variables would have been answered this season, Risk Free! Ride it out on a guy we know is really good.
  9. We will never know; but we wanted to know. Watkins was too good to not ride it through to the eventual outcome.
  10. Agree. We throw in a 5th and they throw in a 2nd. To the future!
  11. I'm happy for Sammy. I definitely will miss him (despite the injuries, etc.). But he has a real chance to be a super star in a huge market city. He has more opportunity than AJ Green or Calvin Johnson, for example, because he is no longer stuck in a small market city.
  12. Agreed. Maybe his agent. But yes. I think this may be the case.
  13. Probably the Bears since my wife is from Chicago. But they suck, too. Maybe the niners since I live in Cali. But they suck, too. My parents live in Vegas, so the Raiders. But always the Bills first even though they usually suck. Born and raised in Buffalo! My team.
  14. What? A post with VPN instructions stays up? Weird.
  15. I read through a few pages and I noticed that the discussion didn't descend into a series of ad hominem attacks on the OP or a series of snide and sarcastic remarks. This discussion sunk almost immediately. Imagine them writing "who fukn cares if the bills traded, you ashole." Followed by unfunny one liners and arguments. Perhaps the OP is sharing the opinion of fans on forums (like us) discussing our team. This offers some context and perspective. Why not discuss it. I found that their opinion closely mirrors the fans here. Some find it good; some not so good. It was a civilized conversation, though.
  16. Wow! That was the first time I ever read a Pats fan forum. The members were decent and articulate people. I imagine they have a lot of trolls and argumentative members, but not in that discussion.
  17. I think we need to define "Golden Age" is bit more clearly. Golden Age: A period of time when skill, popularity, and authenticity combined to create the best possible incarnation of something. This is off the top of my head. Anyway, a poster made a comparison to Rock music. I suppose the Golden Age of Rock was the late 1960s when the skill of Jimi Hendrix / The Doors / Led Zeppelin / The Who etc. gained mass popularity while remaining an authentic (less corporatized / commodified / electronic / technological) musical form. By the 1980s, that combination was virtually dead in Rock music. Record company control / greed, a decline in innovative or artistic playing along with fragmented fan bases who chose tamer lighter music (Duran Duran, The Smiths, & The Cure or Hair Metal, etc.). Anyway, perhaps the Golden Age of football has ended. Although popularity is as high as ever, skill may have been overtaken by speed, size, and violence. While the authenticity of the players and league seems to have declined to total commercialization and player pampering. Add the head injury factor and the exponential decline in youth participation, we may have witnessed the best the sport has ever offered. Again, to bridge this to rock, I do not think the youth navigate toward rock as much as during the Golden Age. Rap / Hip Hop / Electronic / and hybrid music forms appear to have gained the mass popularity and those who try to follow in the classic rock footsteps sound like copies of copies of copies. I am just speculating on this definition. But perhaps the OP has a point.
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