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Everything posted by leonbus23

  1. "Texans fans not happy he was cut." Any link or citation for this. Just curious. Would like to read.
  2. The entire topic is a troll. Yet you take down my post on his charity work. Kyle's Pits? Come on. Please.
  3. He sacrificed precious time with his new born to bring us to our finest seasonal record during the drought. He is a man of high moral character and family values. That's the kind of character we want on the WOF. Orton donated over a million dollars to the air force veterans memorial in Colorado Springs after seeing their show in Denver. He also works with to help homeless vets who are down on their luck. Lastly, he has been an advocate for military wives educational stipend since 2008. Finally, he helped to find homes for abandoned pit bulls called Kyle's Pits.
  4. The NFL is not about to do a free-form Jazz exploration in front of a festival crowd.
  5. Great pick up. Was unsure because of that Monday night game with az last season. But compared to carpenter, way more secure.
  6. Ho ho ho Chi Minh. My father was totally messed up from Vietnam. Be Antiwar altogether. Sister a nurse for air force. Horror stories all the way around. Paid global police for corporate power. Work with 100 vets. Mostly poor kids. Few options. Feel sorry for them. Universal soldier- Donovan
  7. Primetime...Primetime...Primetime... (In Tom Jackson voice).
  8. No. Wrong. Progressive Liberals got their porn. Not the far left. And also, aside from the media aspect, real people did real things. It wasn't entirely simulacra and simulation.
  9. If politics enter sports discourse, then masses may push for health care, education, and no war. All bad things.
  10. You are right. I think the stadium will be sold out for every game for years. But not with Raiders fans. And possibly without people. This means that all the season tickets will always sell out. But whether people sit in the seats is another question. My family will put in for the lottery for season tickets and if they get them, they wil sell the tickets or give them to out of town friends most of the time. That's how Vegas is. Conventions, tourist parties, etc.
  11. Patriots Penalties: Method: This data reports the Penalties called on New England and their weekly opponents. It specifically reports the number of subjective penalty calls, which include Holding, Pass Interference, Unnecessary Roughness, Unsportsmanlike Conduct, Taunting, Illegal Blocks. This means that these infractions can either be called on every play and are completely at the discretion of the official to choose when to call them, or subjective in that they can be called based on the discretion of the official, such as if a hit is deemed unnecessary roughness (like roughing the passer or helmet to helmet). These are sometimes called and sometimes not called, but lay completely in the subjective perception of the official. (Un)subjective Penalties are penalties that are clearly violations, such as Offside, delay of game, false start, and others. These penalties must be called because they are obvious and not at the discretion of the official. Whereas a holding penalty can be called on every play, an offside cannot. There simply has to be a player offside to call an offside, for example. Week 1: Subjective calls against the Patriots- 3 Defensive Pass Interference Unnecessary Roughness Offensive Holding (Offsetting) Subjective Calls Against the Opponent (Chiefs)- 13 Defensive Pass Interference Defensive Holding (Offsetting) Defensive Holding Offensive Holding Offensive Holding Offensive Holding Unnecessary Roughness Defensive Holding Defensive Pass Interference Taunting Offensive Holding Defensive Holding Illegal Block Above the Waist This does not include the second "running into the kicker," which might have been called "unnecessary roughness" by many officials
  12. You are spot on: http://www.nflpenalties.com/game/kansas-city-chiefs-at-new-england-patriots-09-07-2017
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