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Everything posted by leonbus23

  1. I disagree. Smith is a lot better. Tyrod's numbers are deceiving. Smith is smarter. More like a QB. Not necessarily a savior or anything.
  2. Nonsense. Smith is way better. But I think they need to draft a QB high in the 1st round.
  3. Yes. But it was great to end the drought.
  4. We survived an int. Dropped an int. Survived the worst play calling on two consecutive drives and are still tied.
  5. Title is so awkwardly worded. Led is a past tense verb. Tomorrow is the future.
  6. I noticed this, as well. I think the "writer" meant to write California, where he would have to pay income tax for a couple of years before the team moves to Nevada. Regardless, this poor proofreading delegitimizes the entire article.
  7. Personally, I would like the XFL to follow the WWE model closely. This means actually scripting games and faking big hits. In terms of scripting games, the NFL is very close to this already, but parades itself as actual sport. The fake style big hits could be a plus with less injuries. Like the WWE, if the athletes are in on it and being paid, I am not sure if they care so much about winning or losing. So, I hope the XFL doesn't try to be a legitimate sport like the NFL pretends to be, but simply planned entertainment. Good guys, bad guys, hyperbolic trash talking and interviews; real (fake) personalities. Fake feuds in the parking lot and stuff. Like Piper's Pit and stuff.
  8. The term psychoanalysis refers to the Freudian school of psychology. This means an interpretation of one's psyche through theories like the Oedipus complex, wish fulfillment, death drive, pleasure and reality principles, the unconscious registers (ego, id, superego) and the stages of psycho-sexual development (oral, phallic, anal, etc.). Lacan later revises Freud's work to develop the mirror stage as well as the three registers of the unconscious (imaginary, real, symbolic). Therefore, you did not psychoanalyze McDermott. If you want to use Freud, I suggest The Future of an Illusion, which discusses the religious development of primordial man and implications on the contemporary or western civilized psyche. Otherwise, just state the psychology of McDermott instead of psychoanalyzing McDermott. Anyway, you need some data to support this seemingly tenuous connection between faith and decisions on the football field. As many point out, people of faith can be very data driven with decisions.
  9. Too early to call it a loss?
  10. I agree. Just find it amusing that they could still get in at 8-8 in one scenario.
  11. Scenario that gets us in at 8-8.
  12. I think Griffin is finished. Maybe he can backup. But he gets injured a lot and lost his quickness a couple years ago.
  13. Very good point. The constant exposure to sexualized content in media must play some role in human behavior.
  14. I live in SoCal and was at the game yesterday. It was a lot of fun. L.A. is actually a really fantastic city. It is very diverse and the stereotypes of L.A. people do not hold up. In fact, I also lived in Miami for seven years and Miami is more like what ignorant Buffalonians say about L.A with the superficial people, traffic, healthy food and living, etc.
  15. Nicely constructed statement. Also total bs.
  16. And we won the off-season a couple years ago.
  17. You got the right one baby. Uh hah!
  18. I think the topic is a bit more complicated than many think. My quick answer to the OP's claim is no; the media is not the problem for the Buffalo teams' continued failures. But media does have influence over all people. As McLuhan once said, "All media work us over completely. They are so pervasive in their personal, political, economic, aesthetic, psychological, moral, ethical, and social consequences, that they leave no part of us untouched, unaffected, unaltered. The medium is the massage.” McLuhan was referring to all media forms, along with what we call "the media," but nonetheless, we are all touched by its presence. This includes owners, players, coaches, etc. Furthermore, I do not think those who claim immunity to media are being completely honest (especially while simultaneously posting messages through a media interface). In simple terms, if those at the highest places of power use media and are influenced by media, then why wouldn't people like Pegula, McDermott, or any player be influenced by its power. For instance, there may be a correlation between Twitter and performance. In other words, a mass influx of positive comments through social media may inspire while a mass influx of negative may produce negativity. I realize many are skeptical of this possibility, but I think that revolves the concept of the individual who "sees through" media or plays the role of what Reinhold Niebuhr calls the "cool observer." Again, I find this dishonest. And again, I disagree with the OP's central claim, but it is not an entirely worthless premise.
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