Loved the film and Brown Bunny. Gallo is one of the best artists to come out of Buffalo. He was in a band with Basquiat in NYC! Not the average Buffalonian.
Sound like the Bears management is a bunch of bleeding heart softies. No wonder they can't win football games.
What's next? health care for his family, too. Education for his kids!
Ditka would of said "you're fired!"
Huge surprise! Totally shocked! Probably ate a few burgers in Mexico when he did that lucha libre show with Amendola (who also couldn't possibly be on PEDs).
Arms industry thrives on business from drug dealers.
Pharmaceutical industry also drug dealers.
Of course, the free market you worship is never the problem.
It's always the individual.
Libertarians are straight up retarded.
If we can get him cheap, I say yes. But I do not think he will come cheap. Reasonably good QBs are hard to find and someone will take a gamble on his knee.