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Everything posted by IgotBILLStopay

  1. Twitter accounts to monitor over the next 24 hours: https://twitter.com/52mack_ see if the location changes from Oakland CA or Bills stuff appears https://twitter.com/iam_jerryhughes See if Bills stuff is removed Beane has usually been good about keeping the player involved well informed - so these may be early signs of some action on Astro's prediction
  2. My bad. You are absolutely right. "Transcendental" is wrong. But "Transcendent" would be right. No?
  3. Mack is the most likely since: a. The posters conservative track record indicates this will be for a blue chip guy. He is not likely to say Beane is not done for a Coleman type trade (note: I love the Coleman trade - but he is not a blue chipper yet) b. The timing that something is going to happen in the next few days is the big giveaway - There are two elements that are needed for a Mack trade - 1. agreeing to terms with the raiders and 2. agreeing to extension terms with Mack. I suspect that 1. is done and 2. is ongoing. Without both of these two elements, why would there be advance notice of something big in a few days? If it is a straightforward trade without any extensions, it would have been announced already. That said, Aaron Donald will meet these criteria as well - so there is something to what you say.
  4. I am in two minds. From a GM point of view, there does not appear to be value in the trade - the only way to exploit NFL Cap structure and have a good team is to mix veterans with cheap picks. Clearly Mack is looking for a market value extension. If we are going to pay him market value, why part with a first rounder as well? The exceptions to the above are - a. The player is transcendental (like say, a LeBron) and any contract's market value will be less than what he is worth b. We are that one player away from seriously contending Much against my heart, I am going to discount b. above since I still do not know how good our QB is going to be. But Mack is special!! Transcendental? I do not know. Given that for cap reasons, any trade for Mack will have to involve Jerry Hughes, I think Hughes + 2nd rounder + 50 million extension is probably a fair trade. I doubt any team other than the Eagles or Patriots will be willing to give up a first rounder (they will pick late 20s anyway) - although Jacksonville, GB or SFO might think they are that one special player away. Glad NO traded their first to get Davenport - otherwise they would have been the favorite to land Mack.
  5. Options? He prefers being in Cleveland? Tyrod does throw a nice deep ball on occasion but.. More often than it he is going to tuck it and run. A WR looking for a big contract would be happier with Peterman throwing to him than Tyrod (he of 1 career 300 yd game). Just saying.
  6. yup!! lot easier for me to look these up than for you with your 64K posts. And the volume notwithstanding, literally everyone of your posts the past year has been so informative for me. thanks to you and 26, I come here for the very latest info.
  7. Whoo Whoo! It happened! You throw 10 darts and hope at least one of them hits for the team's sake. Great when that happens.
  8. Minor correction - Beane was hired AFTER the draft - so he wont be fired for not taking Mahomes. That being said, I wholeheartedly agree about the different standards w.r.t Allen and Mahomes
  9. Thanks. I did not realize this and it does make me feel better about his situation.
  10. The more I see and read, the more convinced I have become that Allen will be the day 1 starter. Peterman and McCarron appear to be playing not to lose.
  11. I feel bad for the dude. To be super productive the first few years and then have these injuries happen just before the big contract. And this latest one could have happened after the season started so at least he would have gotten his 2018 pay. Here is hoping he bounces back next season. I wouldn't mind him on the Bills at all so long as he is fully healthy.
  12. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/No-End-Yet-in-Sight-for-Khalil-Macks-Holdout-489511471.html Less optimism for Raiders - more optimism for fans of rest of NFL - also if a team has to give 60 mill + in guarantees to get Mack to play this season - that team aint giving up a first rounder for Mack (unless it is Pats or Eagles). That is a fair market value deal for a free agent signing. And if it does not take a first rounder, I think McBeane are in with a puncher's chance.
  13. I agree the Defense is going to be a strength this year - but for dominance, we need a good pass rush - with Star not being a great pass rusher, it is going to be on Hughes, Lawson and Murphy - which has potential on paper - but is not going to give any OL nightmares ex-ante.
  14. www.hotnewhiphop.com/police-called-to-lesean-mccoys-home-3-times-before-break-in-news.54902.html%3f_amp sorry if this is posted in the 134 page thread but I can't navigate through zillion posts regarding poop and water faucets to get to the bottomline: what is going on with the Shady situation?
  15. I think you did not catch my point. All I am saying is that When your active roster is 40 mill less expensive than the other rosters and you are competitive that is similar to moneyball. When you replace Gilmore and Darby with White and Gaines and the performance is not worse that is moneyball.
  16. For the most part, we have focused on the specific player acquisitions - but an underrated aspect of the McBeane decision making regarding the roster has been the willingness to take salary cap related lumps now for future cap relief. After the Dareus, Tyrod and Glenn trades and the Wood retirement, the Bills have among the more healthy cap situations in the league. Of course a major consequence of that is the 2018 roster, which is likely the cheapest in the NFL. I mean, with 40+ mill in dead cap tied to these 4 players - we are the Oakland A's version of NFL Moneyball. Of course it helps to have underpaid QBs.
  17. Actually I may be in the minority here - but Julio Jones has some justification for the holdout. The numbers you give are a bit misleading. The key issue is $34 mill is not GUARANTEED. Actually, Julio is just getting cash of 10.5 mill this year (with the prorated signing bonus - cap hit for the year is 12.9 mill with a dead cap of 4.8 mill). At worst, he is playing on a 1 yr 10.5 mill cash deal ant at best, a 1 yr 15.3 mill deal if you feel like including the dead cap. When Sammy Watkins with far less production signs a 3 yr 48 mill deal with 30 mill guaranteed, a top 3 receiver in the league is going to get miffed at 1 year 10.5 mill no? These athletes' careers can end in an instant - if he had 34 mill guaranteed - we would not be seeing this holdout. And I think a 2019 first rounder for Julio is a fair offer (and the Falcons will come round to it) along with a little rework of the contract - maybe 2019 salary guarantee- will cause him to end the holdout and happily don the Bills Jersey. Git 'er done McBeane!!
  18. RODENT strategy: Create discord in the team if you can. Based off public comments by team officials, add two plus two - make 5 and insinuate things - If the SHI(r)T sticks - claim credit - if not, repeat process.
  19. I agree that we got fair trade value from the Rams. IMO, the mistake on McBeane's part came earlier - when they did not pick up Sammy's option. This is not to say I dont like McBeane - I am pretty stoked with most everything else they have done.
  20. Yes it does. But this coaching staff has shown an uncanny ability to get the best out of less known replacements (who are hungrier) than better known names like Dareus. Let us hope that continues.
  21. SInce most of the off-season moves are done prior to team cuts, I was taking stock of all the roster changes this offseason. Thought a Poll might be a good idea. My Picks: Best Offseason (non-draft) acquisition: Trent Murphy followed by Other (Streator / Reilly). I like the Lotuleilei addition - just not fully happy with the price. Contrastingly, I was a bit meh about AJ McCarron signing, but think it is outstanding value at 2 yrs 10 mill. Best Draft Acquisition: Edmunds with Phillips a close second. I hope to change this choice to Josh Allen a year down the road. Worst Loss: I am going with Eric Wood followed closely by Deonte Thompson. I am not sure Richie's mind is in the right place to pip these two.
  22. I never know whether to feel happy or sad reading these reports. If the offense is struggling, I start worrying about the QB, OL, WR etc. If the offense is clicking, I get worried about the defense.
  23. Found a few nice articles comparing the top two linebackers in the draft. The first link is the most detailed article. Speaks glowingly of both, but push comes to shove - picks Edmunds over Smith. Four articles overall 3:1 Edmunds! https://www.fanragsports.com/nfl-draft/nfl-draft-tale-of-tape-roquan-smith-vs-tremaine-edmunds/ https://chicago.suntimes.com/sports/draft-analysis-which-lb-best-fits-bears-tremaine-edmunds-or-roquan-smith/ http://dabearsbros.com/tremaine-edmunds-vs-roquan-smith/ https://www.ninersnation.com/2018/4/14/17237236/2018-nfl-draft-scouting-reports-tremaine-edmunds-roquan-smith Another article that polls various people on the Edmunds vs. Smith question: https://www.49ers.com/news/draft-panel-take-your-pick-roquan-smith-or-tremaine-edmunds 3:2 Edmunds! And last, but not the least, another detailed video look at both of them: https://beargoggleson.com/2018/04/16/85064/
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