Sadly it might be the best way to keep players safe. But let’s be honest, a lot of America hasn’t really cared too much about keeping people safe since this all started.
If he can pass so well he wouldn’t be running as much as he is. Kids very talented athlete that has a gift, but it’s his legs not his arm. Stats don’t tell the whole story.
Good defences are getting lit up throughout the NFL, it’s not just Buffalo. I’d give it a few more weeks to see if they turn it around before I start worrying.
The defense doesn’t look the same, it not jus Tre. To be honest, defenses around the league all look pretty bad. Maybe it’s the no preseason. Hoping we tighten up shortly
Ramsey is a ***** meathead. Calling someone trash in a magazine (or anywhere else) says a lot more about what kind of person you are then them. His mother must be so proud.
I’m surprised by the way they are splitting carries. At the end of last season I thought Singletary has proven he can handle a pretty decent load. At the same time our offense seemed to do its best when he was on the field. Not sure Moss has proven anything at all at this point. Sure Singletary is getting a few more carries but I think the fairly even split isn’t really getting him in a groove.
Pass rush wasn’t the problem today it was the coverage. Fitz was getting the bsll open quick and throwing it to the same spot a lot of the time. Sometimes I thought I was watching instant replay.