I see respect is the main concept in this treatise on leadership. Without it organizations/teams never become great. Over at Google and Apple, etc, respect built on fear isn’t the driver since fear hampers creativity and innovation. Today’s workplace is different than the 50s and 60s. Are today’s football teams like those of Lombardi? Definitely not. I think Mahomey and Kelce have a mutual mind about execution and winning. JA17 and SD14 didn’t the last 2 years. I think he lost respect for Josh. This may be due to many of the things that Shaw points out. Does Mahomey get goofy with teammates? It appears so, but there’s a fine line. I do like that Josh has fun playing football, but he has to have the respect of his team mates that is based not only on his ability to win but his ability to hold everyone accountable. The former is evident, but his commitment to being a leader that holds everyone accountable is only known by his team mates and coaches at this point. If he hasn’t done this in the past, he has a great opportunity to do so now.