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Ga boy

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Everything posted by Ga boy

  1. Hope we get the 10. Heehee!
  2. All the smart sports guys on NFL channel and other places say we get rolled over bad. They say we have the worst QB and our running game will be stuffed. Jags allowed 7 teams get 300 total yards, but, guess what, they lost 4 of 7. The smart sports guys say we must get 300+ to have a chance. But guess what? Rams and Titans beat them with less than 300. With 142 and 116 rushing, and just over 100 passing. Hmmm?? Those passing #s look like our guy. Hope the coaches have watched those 2 games. Go Bills!!!
  3. Hey MAJ, sounds gloomy and doomy. How do we win??
  4. I don't see Shady or anyone being able to run against their D line. TT can't throw against that secondary. He needs to roll out and dink and dunk. Pull their secondary in, then go over the top to KB. Hope the coaches put in misdirection to counter their aggressiveness. TT's speed should be used early and often. We need 3 turnovers. Might as well ask that the snow storm moves south. We're pretty good in the snow. Jags will give Pats a good game down the road, I'm afraid. Go Bills!!!
  5. Since my life's work has been schooling and teaching, my hat's off to Mr. Maybin. We need good teachers and good schools start with community support. Communities get the schools they are willing to support. We loose many great teachers, especially minority ones, because salaries are better elsewhere. Our city schools generally need more funding to keep the heat on, and to keep good teachers. The per pupil spending is higher because the class sizes have got to be smaller for disadvantaged communities. You can put 30+ middle-class kids in as class, but schools where the poverty is high, the classes better be much smaller. Most people don't understand the challenges that city kids bring. They are beautiful kids, and the teachers who commit to them deserve our thanks. Thanks Mr. Maybin!!
  6. I like the idea of some new short passing plays that we haven't shown on film with TT rolling out. Forget about Shady running b/c they'll shut that down in a skinny minute.
  7. This posting might be more relevant if we get to play the Pats. We will need to pull out all the stops. I would just hate to see us get this far, and then be left with a lot of "would'ves" and "could'ves".
  8. Other than Kyle at halfback, I can't think of any creative plays that were rolled out this year. Did Shady throw a pass in a game?? Seem to remember that he did. I've seen Brady do some in playoffs. To have a chance, I think we need something other than same ol same ol. What would be counter to teams trying to make TT be a QB??
  9. It may be time to go for broke with a game plan. If not this week, then certainly against the Pats. If Shady can't go, then we should go for broke against Jags. Show'em something they haven't seen on film. Be creative and describe some innovative, winning plays. My initial contribution is to put Kyle and Milano in to be blocking fullbacks to protect TT so that he can roll out and hit swing passes to slanting wide receivers or keep it and run to the edges. Ditch the pocket passer experiment, and let Tyrod be Tyrod. Share your creative plays.
  10. He's not afraid pull to the trigger. He can throw guys open. He can read defenses. He looks pretty accurate when he's won against the Bills the last two times. He would be a 3 step upgrade, and insure that we don't take a step back. Get him, and use the draft to address other needs. There's a 90% chance that he would be a better option than a drafted rookie, or any other currently available vet. I don't see Cincy letting him go though. Go Bills!!!
  11. Nice to hear your story. Once a Bills fan, always one. I think most of us doubt they they can make it to Minnesota, but I was a doubter about ending the drought this year, and I know that I have plenty of company. Let's Billieve and enjoy having a stake in the second season. Go Bills!!!
  12. We all know that TT does not have NFL-level throwing skills (eg - slow to read coverages, can't throw guys open, holds the ball, and his accuracy is sporadic). Jags have the line to take away the run, and TT will have to throw. Yikes! IF Shady's out, why not put NT in as QB and put TT in Shady's place. Let's really confuse them. Go Bills!!!
  13. I would like him as an option to keep moving the process forward. I'd prefer him over a rookie, and I don't see that we should use our drafts picks on an unproven rookie. For 3 years, he would be cheaper than Cousins, and better than other vet options. He reminds me of Bledsoe. He would look great in a Bills uni. Go Bills!!!
  14. Great stuff. Loved that coach bowed for a prayer of thanksgiving. Part of the process is faithfulness. Go Bills!!!
  15. Coming out of shock today. Wow, it really happened. My 2 sons were in high school for the last playoff game. They were in grade school during the SB years. We saw Deion run down Beebe at a reg season game in ATL in the original Atlanta Stadium (which is now a parking lot). Attended the Steeler game when they stole our best playoff chances in 04 with Willie Parker's breakout game. Last night, we brought in the New Year shouting for our Bills!!!! Awesome!!! Go Bills!!!
  16. My oh my!!! The Buffalo Bills are going to the dance!!!
  17. No sense in starting NP at this point. Should have happened after Cincy or Jets game. Had we done so, we could've made the playoffs ... Since the Jets game, we are 3-4. NP maybe could've matched that with wins over Chiefs, Dolts, and Fins. So if we miss the playoffs, we also missed the chance to see if NP is the answer.
  18. I agree with your points about Sammy and MD being the difference makers with making the playoffs. With them, we would be in. I don't think coach had the goal of making the playoffs this year, despite giving lip service to it to the vets. I believe he believed that we would take 1 step back this year to get 2 steps next year. Now, this is very questionable. He should've manned up and stayed with NP to see if he could be the answer. Now, we still don't know, we may miss playoffs, and may miss getting a franchise QB in draft. Go Bills!!!
  19. Any of those those guys would be fine with me, Hokie. I still say we use our firsts for MLB and DE. Maybe a QB in second.
  20. Yea, you're probably right. I just remember that Bridgewater could throw and would throw. Cousins will get $100 million contract. For that kind of bucks, we would expect a SB in 3 years. I would prefer him over any drafted QB. Use those firsts for other needs. Some would say that $100 million would limit us with other signings, but we just eliminated a $100 million contract. I don't think we will get Cousins. Bridgewater would fit our offense better than TT.
  21. What are the chances of getting Bridgewater? He would be cheaper than Cousins and better, if he is the same guy. Also, TT will be a backup somewhere else next year. The benching against LAC was the writing on the wall. Also, remember Sammy asking for the ball. We thought he was not a team guy, but he was actually telling us then that TT was not a QB.
  22. I say we beat Miami and then one and done with TT. Then no more boring, frustrating games with TT at QB. 4 weeks ago I argued for giving the ball to NP the last 4 games to see if he is the answer, even if it meant forfeiting the playoffs. But now I'm all in for a playoff game. Go Bills!!!
  23. Sounds like my kind of BSer. Anyone in Dunkirk know where I can find this guy?? I'd like to buy him a cup of coffee. Sounds like he has some ideas for what I can do with a couple of million.
  24. First time I've opened this posting. Don't feel like reading 138 pages to get up to speed. Can someone give me 2 or 3 bullets of summary. Is DD worth my time? If he has good inside intel, I got a couple of million that I need to do something with.
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