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Ga boy

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Everything posted by Ga boy

  1. I would like to see his next presser after we give them a good drubbing this Sunday. Yea, that would be sweet. I wonder if he'd be so complimentary?
  2. Yes, Bill will make us one dimensional. I think he'll load the box to stop run, and Josh will have to find single coverage or throw it away. Need plenty of dink and dunk. We need let them get 150 yards rushing, but pick Brady like a vulture on roadkill.
  3. Unlike our first SB, Bill will try to take away our run game. Josh needs to channel Montana with short quick crossing passes. Beasley, are you ready?
  4. As a career educator, I am a big believer in the growth mindset because I want my students to believe that they can become smarter by working harder. I know this is true. The fixed mindset says I'm inherently smart and I don't have to work as hard. In public schools, we have the opportunity to save some kids and help them overcome the odds over an extended timeline. In NFL, however, you might have a growth mindset about getting better, but if your talent is limited, or those around you are overmatched against better competition, then you are not going to have the chance to get better. I'm not sure that the Super Bowl Bills had a growth mindset. Probably, a fixed mindset thinking they were just better than everyone else, and they didn't work as hard. Regardless of mindset, our Bills teams in the 21st century would have won some Super Bowls with Brady, Elway, Big Ben, Favre, Rodgers, Ryan, Stafford, Luck, etc. Having said all of this, I do like the combo of mindset and talent under the present leadership. Go Bills!!
  5. I hate NFL. In Northern VA, we get Boys/Skins and nothing on CBS??? Boo!
  6. I hope he says the train horn must go. It gives me headaches. Seriously, good to hear that he loves the game. He sounds like a football player. Go Bills!!
  7. With Pitt and NE, the QB makes the cogs turn. Bills are solid contenders if we had either of those QBs. There are about 5 other NFL QBs that would make our Bills legit (Mahomes, Rodgers, Stafford, Ryan, Brees). Hopefully, JA becomes a QB mentioned with the best. This Sunday at 4:30, we'll know a lot more. Go Bills!!
  8. My take is that Shady became a better man in Buffalo. The school of hard knocks and his embracing the role of big brother to the younger guys resulted in his being less selfish. Good luck Shady! Go Bills!!
  9. Fess up: we're all afraid to switch because we want to be on the bandwagon when they take that Lombardi back to One Bills Drive.
  10. I'd rather eat dog pooh than root for any other team, but I could for a cool million. Thanks Gug for giving me this deep thinking exercise.
  11. I vote for Tues and Wed night games. A game in China Eliminate field goals Inside the 20, let teams have a 5th down worth 5 points, and a 6th down worth 3 points.
  12. If this is your pre-season form, can't wait to when the games count.
  13. I hope in November we're seeing more Favre, and less Cutler.
  14. There's no bigger optimist on the planet than me, but when it comes to my Bills, the last 7 or so years I have defaulted to show me. I see that they play 13 teams this year that range from the best to the worst, but my Bills could lose to all of them on any given Sunday and even every Sunday. Especially if Josh turns out to play like Jay Cutler. I hope they don't and they get 10 wins. When it comes to naming 5 better teams, it could be the 13 we play. Show me!!
  15. YES. I too am fed up with the Skins yadayadayada which reminds me of the same piling on of JP, EJ, TT, and NP. They have had the same QB turnstile here. I must admit that I've gotten some comfort in knowing Skins have had a bad situation too. I still haven't forgiven them for that SB loss. Please, please, I hope the Bills have the right guy now. I really am thankful for TBD too and enjoy everyone's insights. I look forward to discussions based on a positive direction. The best is yet to come!! Go Bills!!
  16. If Josh plays like Favre, I would say 10 wins. If he plays like Cutler, maybe 6. I'd really like to see Josh step up in the pocket, survey the field and hit some receivers in stride 70% of the time. Is that asking too much?? As Josh goes, so goes the Bills. That's the reality in the NFL. Go Bills!!!!!
  17. I was definitely looking for the skill set comp. I'm worried that Josh could be that guy … strong arm, no accuracy, risky, picks, all of which translates into the Bills being totally annoying. I see that Cutler and Favre had similar skill sets, but Brett was a winner. I'm sure that others will not agree that they had similar skill sets. Brett threw a lot of crazy picks, but he's in HOF. Leadership wise, I see Josh comp to Brett, and skill set too. There's s fine line between being a Cutler or Brett when comparing skill sets. You have to agree that Cutler had a bazooka. My primary premise was that would most be okay if Josh ends up the next Cutler in terms of production. Of course, we would be happier if he was the next Brett, but what's the chance of that happening? What I've seen so far, it looks like he'll be closer to Cutler. Could we live with that? Go Bills!!
  18. Josh is looking a lot like Jay Cutler but our guy appears to have more leadership skills. I was always amazed that Jay could zip it all over the field with nothing to show for it. During his 2nd season, I'd like to see Josh look more like Brett Favre than Jay. Can he do it??
  19. Must admit I was all in for Gregg, Mularky, Dick, Chan, St Doug, Rex (loved that blue pickup), Rob, Drew, JP, Trent, Fitz, EJ, and even NP. Definitely now a billiever in McD and Josh. I'm over due. Law of averages say we got our guys. Go Bills!!
  20. I follow my Bills since 2005 in Stafford VA at Buffalo Moe's. Great wings but no weck. I do respect the fact that blue cheese reigns, and there are no ranchers. The name is misleading since the crowd is mostly Skins and Stiller fans. I'm a GA boy, but married a Bflo gal and graduated from SUNY. Our 2 boys became Bills fans too when we lived there in the late 80s My youngest son in ATL has told me about the Bills fans there.
  21. Good stuff. I'd like to see the boat going 20 mph on a slant over the middle, or a come backer, curl, or in the corner of the end zone.
  22. I can't decide if OL or JA is the bigger question mark. I think the over/under on 10 wins is 12 and 8. We can't assume that the OL automatically clicks. It usually takes a couple of years for one to play as a unit. If we see Shady running more north/south, instead of east/west, in early games, then we could be in for a fun ride. Go Bills!!!
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