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Everything posted by DaggersEOD

  1. Next year practically making him a rookie of you think about it.
  2. IMO we were geared up and aligned for a game where Rodgers was slinging it all game. It was all about QB pressure/hits and it seemingly worked too well. We never expected him to be out at all, let alone so soon. If he was in, there was no way they were going to rely on the run. He was the star, they were going to lean on him come heck or high water. As soon as he was out, the Jets “put on a tourniquet” went back to their fundamentals, which are strong, and obviously found some success. I also think we’re built to have a lead, but that implies passing/abandoning the run. This odd circumstances made that impossible for the jests, and I believe we were caught flat footed. Like we focused on the passing calls/alignments and didn’t review the running reads as much for the new guy. I think we will only get better.
  3. Or else he’s a bust! 😁
  4. I’m not your pal, friend!
  5. If it ‘twas, it twould be…twerrific!
  6. My god, even that looks forced and unnatural. “Does this make me seem Hu-Man?”
  7. But I mean how can you walk away from possibly Ron Dayne?? 🤣🤣
  8. No Milano Was he a Capt previously? Just assumed he’d be one given his skills.
  9. Well you are a sack Dr. so it must be true
  10. Watching the game now and it was the refs that killed that game and whatever vanilla gameplay we had yesterday. As the game started, just about every positive Bills play resulted in a penalty, all negative plays allowed to stand. Every time the Squealers needed a play, the refs were there to help them make sure it happened. It was blatantly obvious with the ghost block in the back on the 2nd drive that they refused to replay and McD called them out. After that, it seemed like a batch of “this is what you get for calling us out” penalties. I think after that call out, we ended up 2nd and 30 vs 2nd and short (3 back to back penalties). Finally the Bills realized the refs were bent on killing the drive, said screw it and did 2 screens to get off the field. Like the refs were attempting to establish dominance and smacked the Bills on the nose with a rolled up newspaper. “You will get what I give you and be happy about it”. I think the players realized it and lost whatever fire you can get up for a preseason game.
  11. Well if player can be like coaches on the field, why can’t coaches be like players on the field. The math adds up 👍
  12. Then football games would be more like D&D campaigns lol
  13. Oh yeah that is a badass name! Not tracking the happenings on the NBA side, but that would be a cool name no matter the sport.
  14. Hey man I can 100% understand your position and why you hold it. I feel like I understand you POV and respect it. It absolutely has merit. We just value things differently 🤷‍♂️ We’d be on the same side (and I’m 100% positive there wouldn’t have been an issue such as this one) if they had at least stuck with an Indian theme in the final name. Nothing NA about Commanders. I think that’s why they sued. They’d rather a derogatory reference than being erased. Some didn't mind (your reference). Some did (OP link). Maybe this lawsuit will allow a “compromise” where they both settle on a more appropriate name that acknowledges the NA community. Good PR and “Commanders” doesn’t really blow me away as a great team name.
  15. It’s not like the N word because it’s a different word in a different set of circumstances. Not everything is “just like the n-word”. This movement is deleting a people from our culture and history. So this isn’t framed by how its similar in circumstances it is to the N word, but by its shared culture with Braves, Blackhawks and Seminoles. You see a bad word being purged, I see a culture being purged. If they re-named their team after the predominant NA culture of the area, I’d be right there next to you. But that’s the thing. There isn’t a single reference to NA culture that isn’t considered “offensive” by some. So while this particular name is likely the most offensive of the bunch, it’s also just another assault on NA’s by a gang of litigious white knights.
  16. I can see how you see the difference and I don’t think you’re a bad person . I want to make sure that’s clear brother. My question is, who are you to decide if it’s offensive enough to eliminate all NA’s completely from the team? If that specific word was the issue than why not change it to a less supposedly offensive Indian name? But the thing is, there is no “non-offensive” NA name, as challenges to the Braves, Seminoles and Blackhawk can attest. It’s because they are NA that they are attacked and that’s the problem.
  17. You can try to justify whitewashing NA’s out of existence all you want, doesn’t make it right. Looks like we have a new squeaky wheel now don’t we. Will you support this whee like the last or are you afraid of what other non-NA’s would think of you?
  18. Like I’ve consistently said from the beginning on this topic. Deleting these proud societies that’ve earned the respect of their adversaries from our collective consciousness does not help them. non-NA’s trying to impress other non-NA’s about how good they are, patting each other on the back, mindless of the destruction they leave in their wake.
  19. I’m thinking standing with one leg on each side of the seat, then a jet ski smashed into the side of his knee, much like a hard lower body tackle, but with more speed, mass and power. *shiver*
  20. Man that’s terrible news!!! His two returns against the Pats is a family legend. The 1st return was obviously for Damar, but that second one, at least for us, was for my sister who passed the day before (42 y/o) and was a HUGE Bills backer. Surprisingly emotional typing that. Damn smoke must’ve gotten into my eyes. I’m hoping for a speedy recovery brother!!
  21. I’ve been a fan of this guy since his time in Clemson. He’s built like a grocery isle stock boy but for some reason the dude makes / made elite athletes look silly. Like he sold his soul to be good at football, so never bothered to get a football body. Not sure what his physical state is now, but if he’s in decent enough shape, I’d love him on the Bills.
  22. 🤣🤣🤣 I don’t mean to virtue signal but…
  23. The scary thing is you as a citizen have immense power at the State/Local levels. You have nearly zero power at the Federal/National level, so why is it, do you think, that we have wall to wall National coverage where all you can do is get mad and post stuff, and almost no coverage at the State/Local level where you actually have wieldable power? Bread and circuses.
  24. I like the additions we made along the line, but I still would like a beast on the edge. One that can't be held and taken out of the game when the refs decide to keep the flags in their pockets. Hopefully Rousseau continues to develop, but even Von relies on speed, and speed can be cancelled by a hold. Concerning our CBs they just seem to be out physical'd at the point of the catch. It's like our CBs play fair and theirs play hard. It's likely a function on Man vs Zone, so scheme does play a role, but I want playoff CBs and to me, that's jamming on the LOS and tight "hansy" Man. That's a great way to put it Shaw thank you. Playing the averages works for the Regular season, but in the playoffs, each game is a stand-alone, do or die, win or go home situation. I agree, in those games, you can't play the averages, you have to play like there is no tomorrow. Meaning bend but don't break, just won't cut it. There's a difference in intensity that these recent Bills squads just don't seem to be able to match. I'm very much hoping that with McD calling the plays, we'll be a much more aggressive team.
  25. It’s one of my beefs with the Bills. We’re built to win the Reg season, but come playoff time, we struggle. It’s all over our roster. Our CBs are too small and get manhandled in the playoffs. Our WRs are small and require agility to get open. Come playoffs, the opposing CBs are much more physical/grabby, and we get thrown off our game. Our D-Line is the same way. Small agile guys who can win in the Reg season but come playoffs, get held a ton and can’t break through. We need playoff type players that can power through the jam at the LOS or push through holds on the line. Dominant physical players that can impose their will. Josh is dominant like that, but not many other Bills players are. Fingers crossed for Kincaid. If we’re relying on the Refs to call a game like they do in the Reg season, we may see more games like the last one against the Bengals.
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