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Everything posted by DaggersEOD

  1. Wow, it’s like watching the drought teams. 😨
  2. Everybody eats…after Coop 😋
  3. That move is the single decision between Allen already having multiple SB rings.
  4. lol I was a bystander witnessing a train wreck. It was all back rubbing and pretending that I didn’t mind that she was drying her tears with the lucky shirt through clenched teeth. I failed the Team. 😔 The shirt has been washed…I hope it’s enough. I’ll let you know next week 🤞
  5. I have an old lucky shirt that I’ve been trying to replace for years, but EVERY time I try to start a new thing, Bam, Bills do something stupid or have a bad game. Last year, my busty/sexy wife offered to wear it instead, without a bra. An obvious upgrade for the shirt, and it seemed to work, with very few exceptions. Last night, before the game, she got upset while wearing the shirt. Ended up wiping her tears with the shirt. Instantly I thought “Fuuuuuuudge” I tried to pretend I didn’t know what happened but deep inside I knew. The Henry TD cemented it, so I sat there and accepted my fate. Sorry Mafia 😞
  6. I think at this point, all conversations include an implied “…besides / excluding Josh Allen…” So with that assumption, yeah he’s been a huge surprise and has produced at a high level with very little invested. As a 6th rounder, he beat out a 1st rounder in his same class at his position to get on the field. And once there, showed he belong. Great pick for sure.
  7. He was my favorite non-Bills player to watch. Loved his game and agree, not used nearly enough. Dude always cracked me up with his braces
  8. Seems a little young…
  9. Well it did happen in NY 😁 Yes I 100% agree. This is the style of WR play that pays off in the playoffs. Our shifty (usually hobbled by that time) Smurf approach failed us every time. I’m VERY happy with this new direction.
  10. I wonder if there is a stat for holding penalties not called and if the ratio correlates to popular / big market teams. Like does the Chiefs get fewer called holds than say the Jags or Commanders? That would be a fun stat to explore. Each week see which team has the highest non-call percentage and use it to predict / bet the Super Bowl.
  11. Well for them to not do something, the consequences would have to be guaranteed. So let’s say there was great evidence of rigging? Who would be told, what would that person do, and who does that person report to? If anyone in that chain can be bought or has a conflict of interest, the perceived threat of consequences could just be the cover that’s used to do whatever they want. There are ample examples of this currently in our society. I’m just saying that those organizations you’d THINK would be the enforcers are likely invested in making sure the NFL stays and pays their bills. They are more likely to protect and shield the NFL than knock it down
  12. That’s for the “back the blue” forum. This is the football related one.
  13. To me, Josh’s career potential was derailed when we passed on DK for Glenn. The down stream effects on the WR position and what / how we invested our draft capital makes me very sad to think about. And I think that decision is emblematic of how we have the team the we do now, and why we can’t get over the hump. You need multiple elite freaks to have a chance. Freaks that stand out come playoff time when the refs “let them play”. We have Josh, but like many have said before in this thread, we need more talent. That’s what wins in the playoffs.
  14. It’s almost like they 1st stack them by market size, then begrudgingly adjust for reality as little as possible.
  15. If the guy doesn’t have an answer for that move, why would you do others? Maybe he’s just using his vanilla, pre-season moves 😅
  16. Wow yes you are directly conflicted my friend. 🤣 Thats a tough spot! It’s the same for charities. If you raise funds in a state, you must be registered as a charity there and file all the annual paperwork.
  17. Hey if some communities are SO DEDICATED to earning a competitive advantage by foregoing income tax revenue to gain a salary cap advantage, they should be rewarded 🤣🤣🤣 I guess some states just don’t want to win that badly haha But the tax code determines what’s fair or not. If you want to simplify the tax code, I’m for it. Complaining that others use it, is just kind of weak. If it wasn’t legal, they’d be in jail. The sad fact is that those carve outs were made by politicians who received personal support/donations/campaign funds to make them. If anyone, they stole that potential tax revenue and pocketed it, to the detriment of our community and neighbors. Think the saying goes, don’t hate the player. And my source was a simple google search.
  18. Nope not sure at all what you mean. Who exactly are you railing against here? 93% of taxes are paid by businesses and of the remaining 7%, 76% is paid by the top 10%. That last 1.6% is spread over the remaining 30% outside the top 10% who pay taxes. So who are the bad guys here? Or are you one of those flat tax people saying everyone should pay the same? Or maybe that everyone should contribute (even the poor), so everyone has skin in the game? Not getting it man. If it’s legal, it’s not cheating. If it’s in the tax code, then there’s nothing to complain about. Seems like you're advocating for a simplified tax code with less carve outs and loopholes. I'm down for that.
  19. So like…59.9% of the US population can’t use the infrastructure? Mostly businesses and the wealthy? Kind of rough of the poor don’t ya think? Cold bro. Police / teachers would be expected to provide services but not be able to receive them?
  20. And it has to last them the rest of their lives.
  21. Ugh the Trentative Checkwards years 😩 I recall cheering on 1st downs or when the pass went further than…what…4 or 5 air yards?
  22. Good on the kid for trying. Sounds like he had some viable ideas and the NFL just slammed the door shut. Probably afraid it would work and be copied by others. Wouldn’t be surprised if access to player income tax revenue is a part of the negotiations with state/local government. But I’m just some random with no special tax knowledge. 🤷‍♂️
  23. There can be only one!
  24. For me its the Connor McGovern position change / Dave Edwards starting Guard (SVP Lurking) situation. I just see disaster looming here and it has me worried. I think we all kind of want to see what SVP has to offer, but to get to that place, a lot of bad things up the middle are going to have to happen to force the change. What I HOPE happens is that the DE/CM LG/C combo works and SVP comes in for clean-up duty, learns the position, and gets stronger w/a year of NFL Training under his belt for a push to start in 2025. What I think will happen (and what I hope I'm wrong about) is that there will be major issues there, forcing JA to deal with pressure in his face through at least week 6, and that includes 4/5 road games weeks 2 - 6. The road is a tough place to test the new lineup. I would prefer they keep CM at LG and just hot swap Morse / SVP using the established / successful portions of the OL to support the Rookie C. Only one question mark position (C). Our current plan turns a strength into a question mark (LG) while keeping the other question mark position a question mark (C). Hope I'm wrong (and good news I usually am).
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