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Everything posted by DaggersEOD

  1. Honestly bro, the more money they have, the less interested they are in “getting to know” the neighbors. They typically value their privacy and don’t go hang out with the neighbor down the street from my (very very very limited) experience.
  2. You asked why would they do that. It's an expression of power. "Look what I can get/do/have" To bring it down to our level, it's like speeding, knowing that you've got a cop buddy who can get you out of a ticket. You just do it because it's cool you can do something others aren't allowed to. What happened here (IF TRUE!!) is like going TOO fast and your cop buddy can't get you out of it. Then all the other things your buddy swept away for you come out and now you SOL.
  3. Sadly, who you accuse is more important than what they did. If you accuse the “right” person, fame, glory, TV appearances. Accuse the “wrong” person, it’s public shame, mocking, ridicule and you get to have your name dragged through the mud. Seems like Watson is the “wrong” person to accuse.
  4. TBH, I think the Texans would be better off holding his contract and waiting him out. It doesn't matter the draft capital, no amount would be worth potentially getting dominated by him later in his career. I mean he has to be the best QB the franchise has ever had. They don't want him playing somewhere else. To top it all off, all you'd get was draft picks that aren't guaranteed to work out. The chances they'd be able to land a QB as good as him are very low. Let him rot until he gets over it and mends the relationship.
  5. Man Judon always seems to dominate whenever he lined up against us. Game wrecker. So now he's with the best D Coach in the NFL and we play him 2x/year. Not happy about this. Hope that "consistent" O-Line is ready...
  6. Back pedaled a bit there but I think you've hit the right note here. Yes it was a D*ck move. I think that's the appropriate take away from that video.
  7. I dunno man. I think women are equal to men and can also make informed and rational decisions, but then again, I respect women. Kim is a literal Beast in business. I don’t think she has the luxury of making decisions through the prism of her sex 🙄
  8. The guy is an absolute beast. He brings an intensity to his game that we don’t have in the RB room right now. As for his past indiscretions and despicable behavior...I don’t know him so I can’t defend him. I will only say that when I watched the video after hearing the reports, I was expecting a Ray Rice type altercation, and it ended up being much “less” (but still despicable). More along the lines of a bad decision in one of those crazy situations only encountered by the rich/famous. The female wasn’t a family member/girlfriend or something like that to make it a domestic issue. Didn’t seem like a chronic issue just from the LIMITED info I have (and please educate me if I’m wrong as I’m not a web researcher). Just a bad ending to a party night. Lots of excuse making here for a person claiming to NOT be defending him/his actions. But I don’t think he’s an auto “No”. I also haven’t heard/seen anything bad about him since the incident. (Again please educate me if I’m missing something). Just some food for thought. If OBD decides he’s a fit, I trust their judgement and would LOVE to see him shredding Ds as a Bill
  9. I see the point, but in your example, those workers aren’t signing/committing to an exclusive contract with that company. These NFL players are. If they really want that input, it has to be in their contracts, negotiated and accepted by both parties. Right now they’re demanding power they have no contractual right to. Who knows, maybe there are some teams willing to offer that power, but it won’t be for free. They’d have to compromise on other aspects of their contract. They are doing it in a way where they get to have their cake and eat it too. I think that’s why there is so much friction concerning this topic. I say, if you want it, add it to your contract. If it’s something you can’t live without, then you can’t sign a contract without that clause. If you can find a team willing to offer it, then take it. Otherwise, it’s all hot air IMO.
  10. Yes Sir, that’s called Wisdom 👍 Can often be more valuable than intelligence.
  11. Sex and Violence Been associated together since the dawn of time. If that's his objective, he needs to hire better advisors 🤣
  12. You could also add Travis Henry and maybe McGahee? Not HOF obviously, but they were pretty darn good IMO Oh and a little odd to add a backup, but I always thought Kenneth Davis was a great RB
  13. Appreciate the response! I disagree here a bit because with the Cam example, you're comparing what is considered a "good" attitude vs. what's considered a "poor" attitude. I don't think race plays a part (in this specific example, so not a broad brush covering all examples) because poor attitudes are panned regardless of race. See Jay Cutler. Concerning Watson, his criticism is based on his decision to sign a HUGE contract, then demand a trade the next year. It's his unprecedented actions, not race, that caused the criticism IMO. Stafford/Wentz never did this (please correct me if I'm wrong, I truly like to learn) and are no where near the caliber of player that Watson is. The purpose of my initial response is that some people seem comfortable throwing those race baiting bombs out there, seemingly for no reason, without any evidence. I guess they just assume the charge is proof enough? I just don't understand why some folks are so desperate to find racism that they actually get mad when they're told there isn't as much racism as they feared. I thought that would make people happy 🤷‍♂️
  14. Ah first racist post of the thread! Congrats!! That’s a great straw man you built there. So brave of you to stand up against it. How about this, you send the links of people saying that stuff exclusively about black individuals and we’ll determine if the comment was based on racial animus or a justified criticism.
  15. Why would you ever kick off? If your O was good enough to consistently convert, you could keep the ball all game
  16. Defend his whiteness??? W T actual F is that BS?! Defend hiring a person because of the color of their skin?? I thought bigotry had no place in this country. Go back to the 50’s and people are saying the same disgusting things (oddly enough the same group of people), just different a target. Why perpetuate something disgusting?
  17. Ok so what makes Bienemy a better OC and HQ candidate than Daboll? At least Daboll is running his own O. He only got 2 invites so he didn’t even get the chance to demonstrate his stuff.
  18. While I think CTE or maybe opioids may be involved here, I think there may be another aspect that isn’t taken into account by many. Im sure most have heard ex players say the biggest thing they miss is the locker room and the guys they played with. The best way I can relate this is with separating military personnel. You go from a person in charge of millions/billions budget with a staff, tons of responsibility and a network of close work associates who provide you with purpose and self respect. Then you retire/separate. The military “boat” is fast moving and when someone falls off the side, the people still on the boat make take a moments notice, but they have a mission to accomplish and can’t worry about someone who’s already gone. Also, you’re left with a VERY narrow skill set that literally only applies to the job you’ve been trained to do. Not much applicability in the civilian world. This leaves you with no purpose, nothing to base your self worth on, an unusable skill and your network of people you worked with are already into the next thing. Leaving you broken and alone with no mission to accomplish. I feel that a lot of this applies to the NFL as well. Top it off with the fact that this is probably the first time in their lives when no one worships them or treats them like the premier athlete they were and a social circle used to a certain lifestyle and I can see how a lot of guys just can’t cope. Every day 22 military members commit suicide. I wouldn’t be surprised if NFL/Pro sports had the same suicide rate (meaning per capita suicides or percentage of the pool of players who commit suicide). This may be exasperated by drugs/bad decisions but in many cases (at least as far as former military guys are concerned), this is the main underlying issue. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
  19. Or race for that matter
  20. Yikes, yeah I didn't know all that. Very odd / unacceptable if true. I mean who has woke/religious purity tests anymore these days? Any sort of belief that mandates submission to it should have no part in the NFL or the USA for that matter. Thanks for the info!
  21. I mean, HOU is a dumpster fire, but what does his faith have to do with anything? Got it, you don't like religion...neato Back to football, it's obvious they are doing a full house cleaning. With the losses of draft picks and talent (BoB), they have to essentially start over and the best way is to just get it over as quickly as possible. How much "talent" did McBean shed when they came to BUF and wanted to change the culture? Some of the talent they released absolutely got some fans riled up. It's more pronounced with HOU because of the big names but we don't know what happened behind the scenes. Sure, we're looking at this from the perspective that they already lost Watson, but to me, this is ripping off a bandaid. It's tough now, but 6 months from now, things may be better. IMO, they are going to keep Watson, and while he may be angry today, he'll eventually calm down and play for HOU.
  22. True but with a large contract, he may also be setting the ceiling. More available cap = more $$ for rounding out the rest of the team. There are no perfect answers IMO
  23. I thought it was a heads up play. The score didn’t matter at that point. He just needed to keep the clock moving. It’s that kind of football smarts we need on the Bills
  24. Not sure if this was posted but I wouldn’t mind if Bean kicked the tires here. Great Spin move to get into the EZ sorry if already Posted
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