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Everything posted by DaggersEOD

  1. The issue I had with the shotgun is that there was no way Josh was handing it off. He knew it. The D knew it. So they keyed on him.
  2. Tremaine Edmunds obviously. He even makes plays just by being there and I think he graduates HS next year!! But seriously, Ty Johnson #26. This guy has been clutch all year and every time they give him a bigger role, he fills it out very nicely. Also, I’ve always been a sucker for great hands RBs since the Thurminator.
  3. I honestly don’t think it should be a secret ballot. Voters should have to explain their thinking. It’s not like it determines the fate of nations or anything 😅
  4. Wasn’t that Wyo-babble’s (sp???) crush? Dude had like 7 total career passing yards over 6 or so years lol
  5. Right on man, thanks for clearing that up. I don't gamble, so I just took it at face value...which is ALWAYS a good choice lol
  6. I’ve read (here actually but can’t recall the poster) that the best thing to do is bet $200 when the season starts for the Bills to win the AFC Championship Game and the Bills to go to the Super Bowl. Payout is around $20k, which would cover the cost of going to a Super Bowl. Obviously doesn’t help this year, but I expect to be in the Super Bowl hunt for a few more years minimum!
  7. I think we’re still in the “on-ramp” stage of his career…
  8. Two weeks is way too long to be out of the game winning mindset IMO.
  9. Yeah man, agreed. The D somehow must’ve known I wasn’t wearing my shirt 😥 Josh didn’t get the memo (as is his prerogative) Go Bills!
  10. Shirt on, schedule clear, locked in. Bring it DET! Go Bills!
  11. Dude EVERY time there’s something going on where I can’t sit and watch the game, we freakin lose. Enter a freakin wine tasting…thing…that was supposed to be over just before the game started. That was a dirty dirty LIE! Didn't even wear my lucky shirt. This one’s on me fellas… …but I wouldn’t have taken the holding penalty…
  12. Yeah, thats only for mid game after a trip to the blue tent 💉
  13. Hell yeah! Look out NFL
  14. It’s the estimated number of pearls clutched
  15. Couldn’t even be bothered to use both hands LAZY! And look at those eyes. Those are, “should I just go ahead and get 2 gallons of milk” eyes if I’ve ever seen them. Clearly no focus. 🤣 Hope we keep him
  16. In Hell. On repeat. As everyone around you tells you how great a game it was.
  17. Wait, then that would make Mahomes Miss Piggy...then they were hanging Brittney in effigy...that's ok right?
  18. Just reading through so far, the knot kind of does matter, because it changes the situation from "Lynching a Black Man in Effigy" to "tied up a stuffed frog on a stick". Also, the perpetrators clearly NOT being racially motivated should change this convo from "hey did something messed up happen in our name that we must snuff out" to "why does the media always do this, and how can we make them stop" IMO P.S. - there are much better ways to troll a rival. Very weak. We all know he has a funny voice.
  19. As it was a golf clap, it was just a minor case of McClappititus
  20. I think he has a substack where he breaks down the actual film too. Wish he used some of that during his podcast
  21. It was a legit angry run too. Sometimes the winner is a bit “meh” but that was a very fun run to watch! I like this new, more physical, Cook
  22. Looked like a hyperextended knee to me
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