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Everything posted by Stank_Nasty

  1. i mean... ok... i guess..... its the offseason man. i thought it was a decent read.
  2. Pretty cool article by ESPN where they got their writers together and voted on rankings for multiple categories. Allen got 2nd in arm strength and was listed as "biggest surprise" because Kimes thought he got snubbed there. 9th in accuracy and again listed as biggest surprise due to a writer thinking he got snubbed in that ranking. He wasnt ranked in "touch" but Hasselbeck stated he was the "riser to watch" there. Thats really just the start of it. He's ranked top 5 in multiple categories and was crowned the "toughest" QB..... Anyways, I thought it was kind of a cool little read. And plenty of talk about our guy. I'll try and paste some of what they're saying on him. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/32050570/nfl-quarterback-council-2021-ranking-top-10-qbs-arm-strength-accuracy-decision-making-rushing-ability-more Biggest surprise: I'm surprised that Allen didn't end up No. 1 here. Sure, Mahomes throws the prettier deep ball, but if we're just assessing arm strength, Allen's cannon is indisputable. -- Kimes (On allens arm strength ranking) Biggest surprise: Allen has to be higher on the list given his noticeable development as a pocket thrower. In 2019, Allen completed just 58.8% of his passes, but that number jumped to 69.2% this past season, which was good for fourth in the NFL. Paired with his rare physical traits at the position, Allen can throw with both accuracy and location, putting him in the upper tier of the NFL's quarterbacks. -- Bowen (on Allens 9th ranking in accuracy) Riser to watch: Coming out of Wyoming, Josh Allen had a habit of just trying to throw the ball hard. If he was unsure or late, he would just step on the gas with his passes. But as his pre-snap command at the line of scrimmage has grown, his tendency to play with more anticipation has grown with it. -- Hasselbeck (Allen was unranked in touch) Best of the best: Every QB on this list is worthy of being at the top of this category, as they will all stand in the pocket and keep firing in the face of pressure, big hits or sacks. Allen, with his physical size, strength and ability as both a runner and thrower, separates himself slightly from the group for me as the one guy who would scare me the most if I had to line up and defend him for a full 60 minutes. -- Riddick (Allen ranked #1 in toughness)
  3. THIS is a much bigger gripe than diggs being a couple of spots too low.... if i'm not mistaken there were 8 corners above white. We can all agree thats just downright silly. Watt is just absurdly good. I would think it could be argued he's a better overall play than garrett. Not to mention his sack totals over the last 3 years are 13, 14.5, and 15.
  4. There’s plenty of times bills players have been slighted. This really ain’t one of them. If it is, it’s small enough to barely notice. Comes off sorta sensitive. Sorry. You can disagree with the ranking but it’s the sensitive “once again the bills get slighted” thing. The dude just got ranked 11th out of 1700 players. Come on. got screwed? Good lord dude he was 1 slot out of the top ten. Get a grip
  5. Danngggg. I really wanted both to get a longer top 10 segment.
  6. Well #11 is a qb and they say he’s acted in a film. That’s not our guy, right? Think that put 8 corners on front of him…. Madness.
  7. 2 guys in the top 10??????
  8. On the verge of 2 guys in the top 15.
  9. Oh look. Yet another trash woman who thinks they can lay hands on whomever they want because as men we aren’t allowed to do anything…. In other news water is wet and the sky is blue.
  10. More value as solid veteran depth than the table scraps they could get for him in a trade.
  11. I havnt gotten to watch today’s game yet with a bunch of summer festivities going on. I know we sat basically all our heavy hitters. Did our backups do all that damage vs the bears starters or were they missing quite a few pieces as well? Like was rousseaus sack play against the starter? AJ’s? Were the bears starting db’s in at all?
  12. I really want it to be funny. And it sorta is…. But it feels forced.
  13. Right. I mean… it already happened. Haha.
  14. Murray was a top 3 scorer at QB last year. Nothing surprising here
  15. Eh. He really doesn’t say anything of substance to back up his claim. He just thinks they got lucky I guess? How so? It’s just as easy to find reasons why they’ll be just as good or even better than it is to find reasons why they would regress. The Bills are a good team. Barring a cascade of major injuries I’d be extremely surprised if they won less then 11 games.
  16. i gotta say.... one of my favorite clips ever is from last year after Allen had his hot start they both basically told all "haters" where to go and said they could get on their knees and suck it. Just phenomenal preferably.
  17. neither will i be. i've watched long enough to understand how the league works. i've also watched long enough to understand when i see one team that looks like they should handle another. I wont be suprised if they play us close. I will be even less surprised if we beat them by more than 2 scores.
  18. they also faced qb's like jeff driscal, carson wentz, dan jones, garret gilbert, robert griffin, rookie joe burrow, and Jake friggin lutton. As teams got dialed in and the schedule got hard that team completely imploded. I'm a big believer in "any given sunday". I've been watching long enough now to understand any team can hang with any other team. But i also see 2 teams headed in completely different directions. I definitely expect to win that matchup and i honestly expect that we do it convincingly.
  19. Our -7 spread for week 1 is tied for the largest spread of the weekend. I really think the week one matchup is one with 2 teams heading in totally opposite directions. Living on the outskirts of “Stiller” country, I can’t think of a better way to start the season than to completely boat race them right out of the gates. I agree with you in that my gut also says 12-13 wins. But I would argue, if blessed with health, anything up to 15 wins wouldn’t totally surprise me.
  20. 90 minutes south in Waterford PA.
  21. Tucker trying to convince everyone that the pats have a stable of gold jacket rb’s this whole game. Good lord. I’m not one bit scared of that backfield.
  22. So how many times into next week are we gonna here from every media outlet how cam Newton is back to his 2015 form with this showing vs the whole Philly 2nd string d?
  23. I just popped over to jets nation to see the fan reactions and they are pretty devastated. Apparently he was a monster in camp.
  24. I think for fan bases like the Bills and Browns the "average" fan is super rare. I dunno that many actually exist. In order to be a fan of one of those teams for the last 20 years you really needed to be a diehard. Living in NW PA/tri-state area Bills and Browns fans have always sort of had a mutual respect for one another because you knew if you happened to run into one over the last 20 years, that they must be a diehard..... how else could you represent either team over the last 2 or 3 decades? I think we may start to see more young "average" or "fair weather" fans over the next decade as we are regular contenders. But up to this point i just dont think many exist.
  25. I have my traditional crew that we tailgate with every year, but this sounds like a hell of a time. Any chance, if we arent parking there, that my wife and i can still wander up and say hello? I'll wear my flutie jersey and bring a couple pair of my MMA gloves from my gym here so @Gugny and i can have a sparring match in Doug's name.
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